Successive success

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Amidst these business activities, day for local level math & physics Olympiad exam finally came.

I am slightly nervous but excited as well as this will be my first step towards my grand entry in public eye. Exam is held in the area itself so there was no need for travel considerations.

I woke up at 4 Am as usual, freshened up, did some excercise and took cold bath. Cold bath makes blood circulation better and various organs of the body gets ample amount of nutrients and oxygen through blood. After that I did some meditation and was ready for breakfast.

Me (knocking on the door of mom & dad at 6 Am) : Wake up, wake up, wake up.

Me : Mom, wake up. I need breakfast. Hurry up otherwise I will be late.

Claire (with sleepy eyes) : wh..wha..what happened sweety?!

Me : Today is my Exam. So I need breakfast early. I told you like hundred times for like whole week.

Phil : That day is today ?

Me : yeah.

Claire : Oh god, oh god. I'm so sorry honey. Just a few minutes, I will be in kitchen. Please wait there. And Phil, you also hurry up. You have to drive Will for exam.

Phil : At what time is your exam, son?

Me : At 8:30 and it's one and half hour drive, so I don't have much time to waste.

( Alex and Hayley opening their door)

Hayley : Oh God, what is wrong with you people.

Me : Nothing.

Claire : Today is his local level Olympiad exam, remember. Why don't you two say best of luck to the your brother.

Alex : Best of luck. You will do best I know that.

Me : Thanks.

Hayley : whatever, I'm coming with you.

Me : As you wish.

(After few minutes)

Claire : What do you want, Sweety.

Me : I think carbohydrate and fat rich food would be good. It's going to be a 6 hour long marathon.

Claire : Here have some fruits while I ready pancakes and fish, it will only take 10 minutes.

Me : Okay.

After eating fullfilling breakfast, me and Phil drove to exam centre. First 3 hours will be math exam then 3 hours physics exam with 3 hours of rest time in between.

I'm used to working all day long in my companies, so these long hours exams were no obstacle for me. Mathematics exam went very smooth. Questions were quite easy for me and I completed whole paper in hour and half only. But I still didn't submit my paper until I reviewed my whole paper two times.

After confirming no omissions or errors, I submitted my paper, an hour earlier. When I stood from my desk to submit my answer sheet, other students and teachers started to look towards me.

Teacher 1 : What you need son?

Me : I am going to submit my paper.

Teacher 1 : You completed your whole paper ?!

Me : Ya.

Invigilator : I know him, he is from my school. Let him come.

Invigilator : So, William, how was the paper?

Me : it's easy, Mr. Baldwin.

Invigilator : I believe you, but you should review your answers in case if there are any mistakes.

Me : Thank you but I reviewed it. Twice.

Invigilator : Okay. You can go.

I exited my room and approached driveway.

Claire : Honey, you came back so early, what happened?

Me : Paper was easy, I completed much earlier but they don't let you go until an hour earlier.

Phil : Sweet!!. That's ma man. (High fiving)

Claire : Very good.

Me : I think, I better take a nap, I have four hours to kill.

Claire : Okay, let me make the space. I have sheet in trunk.

Me : Thanks mom.

Claire : Don't worry, honey.

After taking nap and eating lunch, I entered in the room again, only this time for physics paper. Once again paper was easy and I completed it beforehand. Once again I submitted my answer sheet an hour ago.

After completing both exams, we returned to home. Chemistry exam is scheduled a week later.

Alex : where are the papers, let me see.

Me : just a sec ...... Here.

Alex : How did it go?

Me : It went well. Paper was easy.

(After couple of minutes)

Me : what do you think, how is it?

Alex : ........ It's good.

Me : it's easy, right.

Alex : ......yeah. Totally.

After having dinner, I went to sleep. Next day, when I went to school, I was informed that Principal has called me into his office. I knew what it would be, so I walked into his office after some time.

Principal : How was the exam, William?

Me : It went well.

Principal : Math and physics teacher said that paper was very well prepared and questions were not easy, and you left the exam hall an hour ago in both papers.

Me : Paper was easy for me and I completed both the papers earlier so I left the room.

Principal : I  know you won't lie so, very well. Good luck for chemistry exam.

Me : thanks. A day after that results for math and physics papers will be announced.

Principal : I'm looking forward to that eagerly.

Days passed and while I was waiting and preparing for chemistry exam, I was in constant contact with my wall street fund firm and securities firm, monitoring the purchase of oil stocks and bonds in secondary markets.

Funds to purchase these oil stocks and securities were mobilised from my profits from Arcade machines, video games, comic selling as well as from DWD financial services ( Bank deposits and loans taken from other banks at rather high interest for long duration). Since neither oil shock of 1979 nor Paul volcker's Increment of Fed interest rates have happened yet; banks are quite willing to loan money in exchange of good high interest rates and good amount of Oil stocks and securities has been purchased by my firm without raising any panic or apparent suspicions in the market.

'Crystal funds' has engaged itself in this whole process from very beginning. During this time, new manpower have also been added to fill necessary vacancies. Not only that I'm preparing myself for sniping Latin American currency in person during sovereign debt crisis in 1980-1982.

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