Moon landing (3)

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Luke : Dad, look.

Phil : Just a sec, buddy. I'm on my way out to the bathroom.

Alex : Check it out. The Aubreys had this huge party last night,
and we got all these bottles to recycle.

Phil : Great!

Alex : What's Jagermeister?

Phil : Um... Well, you know how in a fairy tale there's always a
potion that makes the princess fall asleep and then the guys start
kissing her? Well, this is like that, except you don't wake up in a
castle. You wake up in a frat house with a bad reputation.

Dylan : Haley!

Alex : Luke, you're spilling it!

Luke : Aw, crud!

Alex : God! Aah! Gross! A rat!

Luke : Cool.

Haley : Hang on, I'm coming!

Dylan : I believe you have something that belongs to me... My heart.

Haley : I thought I I.M.'d you to stay away.

Dylan : Ow! Haley!

Phil : Hello? Dylan? D-money? Hey, buddy? Hey, buddy?! Hello,
friendly neighbors! Little help?

Dylan : But I love you!

Haley : Well, you should have thought about that before you took that skank Sharon Nicolini to a romantic movie!

Dylan : I didn't take her. She was just there.

Haley : So you were just there by yourself at a romantic movie! I don't think so!

Dylan : Yeah! Yeah. I like this kind of movies. Come on. Let's not fight. Let's just discuss this like two un-immature adults.

Haley : Ugh!

Phil (entering Port- a- potty  cabinet) : Oh. Oh. Hello? Mrs. Patterson. Hi. I've been waiting for your call. Yeah. Um, is there any chance that maybe we could talk a little bit... No, no. Now's perfect. That's fine. I-I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. Let me just... Close my office door. there we go. Much, much better.

Scene: In the cafe across the accident site

Mitchell : Maybe we should go over the accident one more time?

Gloria : Put the ducks on a row. You're such a good lawyer.

Mitchell : Uh, yeah, I just want to make sure We're 100% clear on
exactly what happened.

Gloria : Oh, we're clear. I told you. What? You don't believe me?

Mitchell : No! No! I just... You know, sometimes. Like, is it
possible, maybe, you were driving too fast?

Gloria : Who said I was driving fast?

Manny : Yeah. Who?

Mitchell : I just... I'm looking at the street, and I'm thinking if you
were driving a little fast, It's possible that maybe you didn't see the car...

Gloria : You're like everyone else, huh? You blame the latino
driver. Where I come from, they always blame the latino driver.

Mitchell : Where you come from, isn't everybody a latino driver?

Gloria : Manny, tell him.

Manny : I can't 'cause I have cupcake in my mouth.

Gloria : Oh, come on! Don't blame your cupcake! What? You think
I'm guilty, too?

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