Airport (4)

200 3 5

Phil : That doesn't sound like him. You asked him to do something
and he didn't do it?

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At waiting area

Cameron : But he never asked! I mean, all he said was, "Lily's bag
needs to be packed, and the newspaper needs to be cancelled."

Claire : That sounds to me like he was asking for help.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : In the car

Phil : Sounds to me like you expected him to read your mind.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At waiting area

Cameron : What am I, a psychic?

Claire : No, it's not about reading minds. It's about knowing what
your partner needs.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : In the car

Phil : Here's an idea. Just say, "help me." You don't even have to say "me" just "help." Then he'll know exactly what you want. You won't have to get all mad.

Mitchell : I'm not mad. It's just... You know, you want to believe
that you're on the same wavelength as someone, and then it's just... It's a little disheartening when you find out you're not.
That's all.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At waiting area

Cameron : What's frustrating is I would do anything for Mitchell,
And... and, frankly, it's a little hurtful that he doesn't know that.

Haley : So...Airports, huh?

Boy : Yeah.

Haley : Are you drawing something there?

Boy : Eh, it's no good.

Haley : Tortured artist. Classic.

Boy : Oh. Yeah. It's a robot!

Haley : Oh, yeah, sure is. What's behind him?

Boy : A dinosaur. It's for school. We're supposed to make a small cartoon strip.

Haley : We had to do that, too, back in the eighth...


Alex : He was 14 years old!

Haley : Shut up.

Alex : "He's my soul mate."

(Back to the scene)

Voice : This is the final boarding announcement for...

Scene : At the bar

Jay : Whatcha drinking?

Claire : Dad. Hey. Mostly tonic, actually, thanks to my new
sponsor here. I'm a little jittery about flying.

Jay : What are you talking about? You fly all the time.

Claire : Yeah. I know. This started just in the last couple years. I
think I'm just... I'm nervous 'cause I've got so much to lose now,
you know? What about you?

Jay : I'm taking a break from my vacation.

Claire : We haven't even started yet.

Jay : Well, I got to figure I might not have a lot of time for myself,
You know, what with the luaus, the hiking, The talent shows.

Claire : Are you not happy that we're coming with you?

Jay : It's just not what I expected.

Claire : But, dad... Doesn't it feel good to know that your whole
family is willing to drop everything to be with you, to fly across the ocean in a steel coffin? I'm gonna finish that.

Jay : It's not you guys. I love the family.

Claire : Mm-hmm.

Jay : It just kinda feels like Gloria's going out of her way not to
spend time with me.

Claire : You don't believe that, do you? Oh, come on, dad. That is
so crazy and so adorable. That woman loves you.

Jay : Well, I didn't say I wasn't lovable.

Gloria : It's not every wife that would spend the money to fly a
family to Hawaii.

Jay : Okay, where does everybody think Gloria's money comes

Me : Mom, are you drinking?!

Claire : No, No.

Me : Where is Hayley?

Claire : I don't know, somewhere at waiting area.

Jay : What happened.

Me : Dylan broke out of our house when we left.

Claire : What ?! How do you know this ?

Me : I have appointed one of the security guy of my company to watch over our house 24×7 until we return. He called me to inform about it.

Claire : O god! What do we do?

Me : Easy. I have told him to lock our house and watch over. He is trustworthy.

Jay : Good. Good. You always think ahead.

Me : It's was important.

Jay : So, is someone watching over my house too?

Me : Relax Grandpa. All of our homes is watched over by trusted security personnel.

Jay : Excellent. Atleast someone is responsible and intelligent enough to have backup planning.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : In security office

Security : So, what kind of business did you have in Japan?

Manny : I've never been to Japan.

Security : You didn't go to Osaka in November 1969.

Manny : I was 4.

Gloria : Enough. Why don't you question the other people in the
gate, huh? Did you see the old lady with the cane? What if she has a ceramic knife in there that can go through the metal detector? And yet you waste your time harassing a little kid!

Security : Ma'am, you seem to know an awful lot about sneaking contraband onto a plane.

Gloria : Yeah, I'm Colombian.

Security : Have you ever been to Japan?

Gloria : I would like to make a phone call.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At waiting area

Voice : Ladies and gentlemen, pre-boarding for our flight to Maui Will begin in the next few minutes.

Claire : Luke, please stop

Luke : Sorry.

Claire : Now make the airport stop spinning.

Phil : We made it!

Mitchell : Cameron.

Claire : Oh, boy.

Phil : Claire!

Claire : Oh, my God, thank God you're here! Hi! Oh, honey.

Mitchell : I am so sorry.

Claire : It was my fault.

Phil : It wasn't your fault.

Cameron : I should have known what you wanted.

Phil : Are you drunk?

Claire : Kinda.

Me : Where is Manny and Gloria.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At security office

Manny : And once I spent a week in Cancún, which, by the way,
did not live up to the hype.

Jay : Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?

Security : (To Jay) We're almost done here, sir. (To gloria) So you and your son are traveling together.

Gloria : Yes.

Security : Then why are you departing Maui on different dates?

Gloria : Well, because... he's traveling back home with his family.

Jay : What?

Gloria : Surprise! They're only staying for six days. The rest of the time, it's only you and me.

Jay : Really?

Gloria : Mm-hmm. I wanted to spend some time alone with my
husband, drink cocktails by the pool, sleep in.

Jay : Mm. I could not love you any more than I do right now.

Gloria : I also found a topless beach.

Jay : I was wrong.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At last reception

Boarding Attendant : Mr. Jackson, have a great flight. It's to the
left. Oh, gorgeous.

Cameron : Oh, thank you. It's vintage.

Mitchell : I think he meant Lily.

Cameron : You don't know that.

Alex : Yo, there's another hottie for you at 5:00.

Jay : It's whale "watching."

Gloria : Whale "washing."

Jay : "watching."

Gloria : "watshing."

Jay : It's close enough.

Boarding Attendant : Hi, sir. Have a good flight, sir.

Phil : Quick, do your zombie impression.

Boarding Attendant : Oh, she hasn't been drinking, has she?

Phil : Oh, no, no, no. She's ...she's hilarious. Okay, let's do "bride of
Frankenstein." Oh! That is so... so good.

(Every one boarded the plane)

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