Olympiad preparation (1)

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With other things going on in my life, School matters were also within my concern to resolve. School opened and classes continued. It would have been no exception today except first thing I did when I entered school premises is to storm into principal's office. Due to my sudden intrusion, principal was taken aback.

Me : Good morning Mr. Principal.

Principal : Oh! William. Good morning, Good morning. Tell me what can I do for you.

Me : I want to participate in Olympiad exams of mathematics, physics and chemistry such as USAMO etc. I want the school to register my credentials and grant the approval.

Principal : Are you sure, you can handle all. I mean there has been no such precedent before. If you focus on one of them, there is Very high chance for very good performance at international level as well but if you participate in all three, I think it's quite overboard and your performance will be affected in all of them.

Me : I think I can handle all of them well but if you think that I will not be able to manage and produce better results without affecting other two then why don't I make a preposition for you. If I will be able to hold No. 1 position for all the three subjects on local level then you will let me proceed with all the three subjects otherwise I will drop two subjects in which I have not secure rank 1.

Principal : Interesting proposal. No problem. It will be done. Any thing else?

Me : Yes, I am requesting you to exempt me from classes. I will come to the school everyday and will spend my time in library and with teachers for any necessary help that I might need regarding Olympiad exams but I should not be bounded to attend the classes if I choose not to.

Principal : ...... Well it's some what difficult but considering you being excellently exceptional, I will reduce your compulsory class time by 50% until local level Olympiad exams are held. And if you would able to secure rank 1 in more than one subject, I will grant you 100% exemption from compulsory class time. Although it will be difficult to convince the management board but you have my words. I will do everything to make it happen.

Me : Thank you Sir, for your understanding, support and encouragement. As you know, I'm business minded person so I will not say any flattering words. Only thing I will say to you is that I have taken the note of your support for me and you can expect ample return from this.

Principal : Hahahaha. Well. No problem. I will inform mathematics, physics and chemistry teachers regarding this. They can recommend some books, some material for you. Just go through them, I think it will be easy for you.

Me : Okay. Thank you Mr. Principal.

Principal : Always happy to help you.

After that, principal informed respective teachers and I also busied myself to read materials for Olympiad exams as well as practice books to solve the problems to assess the level and quality of questions and to mold myself to finish the problem in stipulated time frame.

Procedure for selection in International Olympiad team to represent America at international stage is that first you have to pass at local level, then State level and then final screening happens at national level from which few will be selected who would gothrough some rigorous crash study sessions; for them to have chance to compete at international level.

Difficulty of Science Olympiad eg. Mathematics, physics and chemistry for me is not of any concerns because of the fact that despite the level of question asked in exam, it is always appreciated if students use High school level mathematics to solve the problem. It will not be wrong to use higher level mathematics, if you have knowledge of it, to answer the questions but whole purpose of the exam is to assess the critical thinking and problem solving skills of the students using high school mathematics.

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