New Comics(3) & Coal digger(1)

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Closing time eventually made its way to them and everyone was packing up for their Sunday rest.

Every time that they reach this point, they put the company's most prized possessions in a safekeeping vault and this was what they were currently doing.

The ideas and art in those collected papers carry all their hard work and the little boss's concepts, so they do their best to guard it while they would be away.

I was mostly finished with my 28-page first issue as the art style needed much more work than the other title. It was only a few pages left to be inked though, which still proved his efficiency.

"Can you store this for safekeeping as well, please?" I gave my work to the person tasked with vault storage and gave my simple farewell. "Thank you for your work today everybody. See you the next time that my school allows me to."

"Safe travels, boss." This was what the storage-in-charge said which was echoed by the rest.

"Uhm." I just gave their incoherent goodbyes a nod and I went off to see if my dad had already arrived.

The employees saw me off to the stairs with courtesy and gave each other a tacit stare of understanding.

When I was out of sight and busy on the first floor, they hurriedly huddled around the storage-in-charge and the folder in his hands.

"What's inside it? Could it be a new issue? I'm dying to know how Krillin would be overpowered by Goku." A lady inquiringly commented while the rest echoed in curiosity.

"I'd wager it's the next issue of Ninja Turtles." A New Yorker from the group was vocal with his bias to a fictional vigilante team from his hometown.

"What about if it's a new comic title? How many dollars are you going to cough up in that wager?" A gambler took up the wager.

As of the moment, they were eagerly waiting comic fans who were dying to know the next story that they were cliffhanged and not the serious employees they had been around William.

This became a norm whenever a folder was given to them, so nobody was too surprised.

The storage-in-charge didn't make them wait much as he carefully laid out the folder on a table and opened its contents.

"The one who guessed new issue is a winner." The man announced but it only stirred the curiosity of the group even further.

It had to be known that Dragonball and Ninja Turtles are exciting concepts, so they were looking forward to newer ones.

"What's the gist of it?" This was hollered by someone at the edge of the crowd and couldn't share with the pages yet.

"It's called ThunderCats and way too detailed than anything we have worked on here. Mickey Mouse could only stand aside when compared to these cool-looking cat-people." A person who saw the contents helped with their inquiries.

"Little boss has done it again." An William admirer praised. "He's even using Bristol paper now and inked it himself."

"What are we inkers and sketchers going to do now with the little boss being way too exceptional?" A paranoid employee could only think of the worse. William's showcase of inking skills was quite a worrying development.

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