Family dinner & Lottery (2)

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One of the main ingredients of Paneer butter masala is Indian cottage cheese which are usually prepared fresh for its Good taste and softness. Then gravy requires some work. You have to use onions, various spices, liquid cream, Tomatoes etc. Then Bread, well it's not usual bread but it's called 'Naan' in India. I assigned Hayley and Alex for some work that doesn't required experienced person to do. With their help, I prepared all dishes. I didn't make dessert as Mom was preparing it.

After sometime, at night, everyone started to come. Then dinner was served on table and everyone sat to eat.

Me: Guys, I have also cooked New dishes today. So first eat my dishes, if you don't like it you can eat what Mom has prepared. Pardon me for any rudeness.

Jay: Well, I love your cooking Will. I have to taste your dishes first.
( Everyone else also nodded and Mom was ok too)

They tasted and were surprised that it was very Good. Soft, rich flavours, new taste and new curiosity which got satisfied.

Jay: So, Good.

Phil: Totally, I think, today I will only eat this. Sorry honey, but we only want to eat Will's dishes today.

Mitchell: I can't get enough of it. I wish, I could get to eat like this everyday. It would be wonderful.

Cameron: you can't be greedy. You can't make Will chef just because you love his cooking and want to eat everyday. That's selfish of you but I don't mind if Will do it on his own.

(Everyone started laughing)

Gloria: what is these tasty soft cubes.

Me: Oh. That's Indian cottage cheese. It is usually made fresh from milk to be soft and tastier. Actually it's milk solid. You have to boil milk at slightly higher temperature and after some time you put some lemon juice to make milk coagulate and milk solids will be formed. It's actually a chemical reaction, you can use vinegar also but taste and smell of vinegar is slightly strong so it will start to dominate taste of cottage cheese.

Gloria: that's quite wonderful.

Me: Yes, there are many dishes and ingredients in the world that are made from milk using same principle.

Jay: and what's with this bread. I mean they taste good on their own, soft, fluffy and cheesy.

Me: In India, it's called 'Naan'. It's actually made of white flour. I have done some experiment with it to make it like that. Add some spices and salt, some filling made of various things eg. Potato, chesse, vegetables, meat etc. and you can get different varieties of it.

Jay: Good. Claire, I think I can't eat your dishes today.

Claire: ....... that's Okay. Actually Will Made these things so tasty that I also want to eat it as much as I can eat.

After dinner, we had drinks. Children get coke and adults drank wine. After some drinking, I knew that time has come.

Me: Everyone, attention please. Thank you. It's been a while, since our family has been together. Everyone is busy in their life and it's not easy to manage work and family together. So congratulations and hats off to everyone.

Mitchell: I don't get it. You are just 5 yrs old, how can you say such nice and mature worlds. Did we all were idiots growing up.

Jay: No, he is genius and more mature. He is genius, it's undisputed fact but how is he so mature at this age, I don't know but he is legit. I can only say that it's grace from God.

Me: Thank you grandpa and uncle Mitchell. Since everyone is gathered here I have some announcements to make.

Jay: I knew it. This is not simple. Why would he invite everyone personally and Cook great dishes. He has something up his sleeves.

Me: It's not true grandpa. I love my family very much. But since everyone is here, and I need your help so I'm announcing it at this occasion.

Me: So, anyways. I want to Borrow 1000$ from  dad, grandpa and uncle Mitchell. Remember I'm borrowing from you so I will return it shortly after. I have something in my mind and I need money to make it happen.

Jay: Will, i have always believed in you. I don't know why but you give me that trusted, mature and convincing vibe. Here....( Took out 1000$ from wallet). But I want to know, what you are going to do with it.

Phil: Here is 1000$ from awesome dad. Take it buddy. I trust you but I want to listen to your awesome plan.

Mitchell: I have only 500$ on me ( looking embarrassed). Take it and I will give you another 500$ tomorrow.

Cameron( taking out his wallet): I have 500$ as well. Here, it will complete the number.

Me( after taking 3000$ dollars): thank you guys for trusting me so much. So, I'm going to explain what I'm going to do with this money. I'm going to buy lotteries and win jackpot.

Claire: What?! Honey, it will be waste of money. You can't win the lottery like this. But if you really want, buy one or two tickets, that will be 2$ , why you want so much money. No you can't do it. Return the money right now. You are going to gamble!! How you.... how you...where you learnt these things from.

Jay: Will, if you need anything, you can always ask from us. Why you want to win lottery??

Me: Relax guys. First let me explain Okay. Do you think, I don't know these things, do you think I'm this kind of person. I only do the things which I'm quite sure of.
Lotteries are based on odds and I'm going to use math to increase my chances of winning. It's not the first time someone has used mathematics to win lottery.

Me(continued): So, I'm going to use mathematics to calculate probabilities of winning a lottery game. It is based primarily on combinatorics, particularly the twelvefold way and combinations without replacement. In a typical 6/49 game, each player chooses 6 numbers from 1-49. If the six numbers on a ticket match the numbers drawn by the lottery, the ticket holder is a jackpot winner. And according to theory of probability, this chance will be 1 in 49!/(49-6)! . However; the order of the 6 numbers is not significant for the payout! That is, if a ticket has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, it wins as long as all the numbers 1 through 6 are drawn, no matter what order they come out in. So, it will get reduced into 1 in 49!/{6! * 43!}. This is actually binomial coefficient and it's represented as COMBIN(49,6) which is the combination function, I was talking about earlier and-

( Everyone was awestruck and dumbfounded by what I was saying)

Jay: Wait, wait, wait. You are telling me that you can win lottery using your mathematics! You are joking aren't you. Hahaha, good joke but it's not funny.

Me: I'm not joking grandpa. I'm serious.

Mitchell: So, you want to tell us that you will use maths and win like million dollars. How much sure are you.

Me: Yes. I will use mathematics to win the lottery. I am100% sure in my maths but it can not be applied as it is in real life as cost of number of lottery we needed to buy to be 100% sure of winning will exceed the prize of winning.

Jay: So, what's the point if you can't win.

(Everyone else also started questioning and ruckus got created)

Me: Atleast let me finish first. I swear to God, that if anyone interrupted me until I'm not finished speaking then I will not say anything about it from now on. I can return these 3000$ right now but just so you know, I can earn 3000$ pretty fast. I actually don't need these 3000$, few students and their parents have contacted me to teach them in order to improve their grades. If I say yes, I can earn 3000$ pretty fast and then I will do the same exact thing which I'm talking right now. But I wanted to inform all of you that I'm doing this.

I have already said it earlier, I'm saying again. I have knowledge, courage, potential ... everything..what I want is your support and little help. Is it wrong for me to expect some support and encouragement from your side.

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