Designers & Engineers

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Animation is still money-burning, an incredibly slow process, and with uncertain and considerably minimal returns in these times.

So, it is best to start out with toy industry as it is the most easily accessible and transformable to the Dunphys at the moment.

My team has already scouted few engineers and designers that are more attuned to the trade.

These engineers and designers happen to be excess or just looking for a stable position to be part of. They are still cheap in pay and my pre-prepared toy plans should be enough to lower the toy designing staple.

As of the moment, they are on call until the employment contract is finalized and an office is set up.

They are part of the creative team and the inward and outward business operations could be handled by the same set of expertise that Dunphy Comics first-floor employees have.

Of course, hiring new Miss Markers, new Mr. Advertisers, and new Legal advisor may not be necessary as Dunphy franchise is going for a cohesive structure amongst its branches.

They just need to hire toy-oriented personnel to fill up the job and bulk the existing team to handle toy-related matters.

Those things are easily within acceptable range with Dunphy Comics money but the next parts could be tricky.

Relegating printing to a printing company is acceptable but there is no way our printing company contacts could make do with toy productions.

During weekend I arrived at company and commenced the meeting. The inside greetings started with Miss Marker, Mr. Distributor, and Mr. 5 cluing me in on what had happened while I was away.

I already knew some of them from the written reports but having insighted recounting of it has helped out painting the missing pictures I hadn't noticed.

I reasoned out and finally found why Innovative Rob wanted his worded perspective to be explained and expounded.

The recountings of these employees helped me out just as how an script writer helps the director of the film with third person perspective of how  he would proceed.

Anyways, the reports went on and I got much of the sales data of the Volume Books.

This time, I was no longer stuck with all the 'sold out' finalities, how long this issue would be sold out, when this issue would be sold out, what reasons made this issue sell out faster than this one.

All that can be sure is that the Volume Books sales data had exceeded the usual 550,000 - 750,000 issue limit and was nearing One and an half million.

Of course with Dragonball Volume 1 and TMNT Volume 1 put together, the Volume Book sales are already about 2 million plus copies and counting.

If adding in the fact that Dunphy Comics has been part of that 25 dollars retail price transaction, the money in the accounts should already be enough for continuous printing of new copies and the expansion budgets.

Sales are still racking up of course and I'm also happy alongwith the already celebratory employees.

Eventually, things had to wrap up as the Dunphy Company day was still fresh and ticking.

"Sir, the new people are ready for you in the canteen area." Miss Marker timely said as I stressed enough the importance of the 'new people' to Dunphy franchise's overall projection.

All that Miss Marker knew was that the parent company was opening up a toy business that distinctly correlates to what they are doing in the comic industry.

Her avenue to display her market research talents has opened up and she was quite looking forward to it. "Here are their resumes that you have asked to give to you?"

"Thank you. Do update me later on next week's sales trend we should be expecting." I got profile and some datas about the 'new people' from Miss Marker and read up on them along the way.


All in all, they were not-so-certified engineers that plonked at the last spurts and designers that had the same troubling situations that the Dunphy Comics second-floor employees had before.

People that were trained to be engineers but didn't quite make it were pretty cheap for a cheap start in toy making.

These so-called designers were also on the same plate in desperation and low value. Since they can't be the next Da Vinci and don't have their own Da Vinci Code, so being a toy designer should be enough for them.

They just need to conceptualize, beautify, and work together as mathematical, functional engineers and artistically aesthetic designers.

I couldn't help but shake my head at my team's way of hiring people. They were low- paying, reliable, not-so-fitting for the job but also fitting as well. With me at the helm and majority contributor of core content, these things fit in an unusual but working harmony. Once system would be established in place then some finishing work and specialist individuals will be accommodated in this Glory ship.

It's like construction of the car, first overall framework and then filler be placed inside followed by special finishing touch to be ready to enter the market.

Reading up on these people's records, they were clearly not fitted with toy designs and all that. However, they are probably much more effiecient and driven than people with toy design experience.

It isn't my first time working with this scenario as I literally turned wannabe dreamers into efficient comic bookers. In the end, they worked quite well with the manga-esque coherence with art and story that I was going for.

Hopefully, these upcoming clashes of design logic and creativity would result in the same with these "engineers" and "designers".

Even if they were to go wild with disagreements, I have much experience as the boss and had worked out the demeanor to shut things up.

I would still be spearheading stuff after all and I don't want things to be messy.


Eventually, I arrived at the employee cafeteria area where they mostly do their lunch together.

A group of 22 people of either unfortunate "engineers" or wannabe designers has been waiting for the 'little boss' that the employees and hunting company have informed them about.

With I'm being in viewing distance, they finally get what others mean and were finding it hard to cope with what was going on.

They were adults with an unfortunate go in life and their careers moving forward but they never really prepared themselves to be led into the so-called Dunphy Toys by a child.

Some put their hands up to ask a question they wanted to be heard while I simply uttered to them what they should know.

"Hello to all of you."

"My name is William Dunphy and since people here like to call me boss, it's best you call me that as well."

"If you have a problem with the arrangement of having a 5 yr old Genius boy overseeing your work, then the door is open."

"If you don't have any, then welcome aboard to Dunphy Toys and our journey to making us Dunphys rich and to put your talents to good use."

Some studies have shown that being blunt and charismatic was the way to go, so my accumulated  boss experience finally came in handy as the questioning people put their hands down in acceptance.

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