Fears (3)

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Scene: At park

Jay : No, she's not.

Gloria : Yes, I am.

Jay : What?

Manny : Told you.

Gloria : Manny, you have to face your fears.

Jay : What? That's why we're here? But why didn't you let me in on your little plan?

Gloria : Because you're the worst liar. He would have seen right
through you.

Manny : I don't want to go on the roller coaster.

Gloria : Manny, you were afraid to light the barbecue, But now
your eyebrows have grown back and your salmon is legendary.

Manny : What if I fall out?

Gloria : I will catch you.

Jay : That's not possible. He would crush you.

Manny : W-what if I throw up?

Gloria : I will clean it up. It wouldn't be the first time.

Jay : Ah, geez, these are new shoes.

Manny : You're not gonna let up, are you?

Gloria : Baby, I think you know the answer.

Manny : Fine, let's get it over with.

Gloria : That's my boy!

Gloria : Vamos, Jay.

Jay : No, I'm not going on that. That's bad for my back.

Gloria : Your back is fine.

Jay : Yeah, I got an inner-ear thing.

Gloria : Oh, please. Don't tell me you're scared, too.

Jay : Scared? What - what is this scared stuff? What... what am I, a child? I'm not scared.

Gloria : You see? You're the worst liar.

Manny : Well, if he's not going, I'm not going.

Gloria : Oh, for god's sake, fine. I'll go alone. Here, take my girly
purse. And you, my floppy hat. And if you need it, there's the
ladies' room.

Manny : I'm not man enough to fight this. Here, hold my purse.

Jay : Oh, hell!

(Cut the scene)

Scene : At Driving Test site

Alex : What is taking them so long?

Claire : I don't know. The only reason I'm not panicking is a giant geiser. You know, honey, I think I know why you don't want to go tonight.

Alex : Because school dances are lame?

Claire : No, 'cause you don't know how to dance.

Alex : That's not it.

Claire : I can help you with that. Come on.

Alex : Oh, god. No!

Claire : Come on.

Alex : No! Mom!

Claire : Oh, yeah, back in the day, I was quite the dancer.

Alex : Oh, my god, you and dad together suddenly makes so
much sense. Mom! Mom, stop! Stop! Please, stop. I know how to
dance. I just don't want to be part of that freak show.

Claire : Sweetheart, you're a beautiful girl, someone will ask you to dance.

Alex : I know that. It's just stupid.

Claire : Somebody will ask you.

Alex : Why do you keep saying that?

Claire : Somebody will ask you.

Alex : But what if they don't?

Claire : Honey, if they don't, then you do the exact same thing I
told your sister, okay? Take three deep breaths and relax.

Alex : Even the advice I get is a hand-me-down.

Haley : Mom, I did it! I passed!

Claire : Aah! Oh, my god!

Haley : I got my license! I got my license! I got my license!

Claire : Haley, car's not in park. Oh, oops. You better run to that
counter. Go. Run! Run! Right now!

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household backyard

Luke : I still can't believe you lost my truck.

Phil : It's gone, buddy. Let it go. You know, maybe it's better we
don't solve this little mystery. Sometimes treasure's more sparkly in your imagination, where it could be gold or baseball cards or pirate maps.

Luke : Do you really think there could be pirate maps under

Phil : I'm 100% sure it's possible.

Luke : All right. I'm going in.

Phil : What? Really? Buddy?

Luke : Whoa!

Phil : What do you see?

Luke : Nothing. It's really dark in here. Wait a minute. I think I see
my truck. It's right over there by the... uh-oh.

Phil : What?

Luke : I-I think I'm stuck.

Phil : How are you stuck?

Luke : My belt loop got caught on a pipe, and it's hot!

Phil : Have you tried wiggling?

Luke : Dad! It's hot! Hurry!

Phil : I'm coming, buddy!

Luke : And hurry! There are spiders in here!

Phil : Oh! Coming!

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett- Tucker household

Cameron : And I'm sorry if we got all weird in there.

Dr Miura : Oh, it was fine.

Mitchell : Well, we'd like to say it's different than how it usually
is, but you've seen us enough to know that that's not true.

Dr Miura : Guys, listen. I had a very complicated relationship
with my mother. She was born in Japan crazy- traditional. She
didn't want me to become a doctor. She wanted me to get married and have kids. But my father... we would talk, and he would actually listen to what I wanted. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, having a mother isn't always what it's cracked up to be.

Cameron : Ohh

Mitchell : Thank you.

Dr Miura : And if you ask me, Having two fathers who care as
much as you do makes lily the luckiest little girl in the world.

Cameron : Oh, thank you so much.

Mitchell : Thank you. Thank you for that. That's very sweet.
Thanks. Thank you.

Cameron : And how are things with you and your mom now?

Dr Miura : ugh. The only way she'll be happy is if I'm some Asian stereotype, But that just isn't me. (intentionally hitting the dumpster) I didn't see those!

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household backyard

Phil : I'm coming, buddy!

Luke : Over here.

Phil : That's a spider web. Oh, god.


Phil : My boy was in trouble, So I put my fears aside, and I came
to his rescue. Now, does that make me a hero? Yes, it does.

(Back to the scene)

Phil : Everything's gonna be okay. Hey, everything's gonna be
okay. There!

Luke : Thanks, dad.

Phil : Hey, just what dads do. Let's get out of here.

Luke : I want my truck.

Phil : Really?

Luke : It was a Christmas gift! Could you go get it?

Phil : Yeah. Yeah, sure. Scoot. Scoot through. There it is. Got it. You okay?

Luke : Yeah. Are you okay?

Phil : You know what? I am okay. Hey! Hey. we did it!

Luke : Whoo-hoo!

Phil : What the heck? We're down here. Why don't we see what
we got, huh?

Luke : Yeah.

Phil : Two intrepid explorers... Make their way on a journey...

Luke : Dead bodies!!


Phil : We called the police and got a bunch of detectives over.
Turns out it was the last owner's Halloween decorations, Which is pretty funny. At least, I thought it was. Everybody's afraid of
something, right? Heights, clowns, tight spaces.

(Back to the scene)

Scene : At park

Gloria : You like it, jay?

Manny : I did it! Whoo!

(Background Voice)

Phil : Those are things you get over, But then there's our children. Will they fit in? Will they be safe? Those are fears you never get past. So, sometimes, all you can do is take a deep breath. Pull them close, and hope for the best.

(Voice ends)

Haley : Bye!

Claire : Eyes on the road!

Haley : Love you!

Claire : Eyes on the road!

Haley : Whoo-hoo!

Claire : Oh, god!

(Background Voice)

Phil : I mean, things don't always work out.

(Voice ends)

Mitchell : Oh, Cam, I think she wants her doll.

Cameron : I don't know where it is.

Doll : Mommy. Mommy. Mommy.
Cameron : When you squeeze the doll, it says, "mommy."

Mitchell : Did -- did you know that -

Cameron : No clue.

Mitchell : The doll says, "mommy." The doll says, "mommy. "

Cameron : The doll says, "mommy!"

(Background voice)

Phil : But you got to love it when they do.

(Voice ends)

Luke : Hey dad? Mom says there's an old trunk in the attic.

Phil : Oh, yeah, my grandpa's old steamer trunk.

Luke : In this movie I saw, there was this old trunk, And there was a secret compartment, And when you opened it, there was a whole bunch of paintings by the world's greatest painters hidden in the

Phil : My grandpa was in the war.

Luke : Should we go up there?

Phil : Totally. It could also be diamonds.

Luke : Or a samurai sword.

Phil : Or the declaration of independence. You know, it almost doesn't even matter what's up there. What matters is what you do with the money from what's up there.

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