Acquiring Arcade factory (2)

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After some search, I was informed that there are two companies which I can buy. First company is engaged in arcade assembly business for 4-5 years but Owner wants to sell and needs cash urgently. Second is in business for a year only, equipments are new but due to poor management they are now insolvent.

I was also looking forward to purchase areas around factory so that expansion can be done easily later on. After some decisions with my dad, grandpa and Uncle Mitchell, I chose former because surrounding areas were empty as well. Around 230 Acres, which I wanted to buy along side.

After much hagling and negotiation, I spent around 284,000$ for factory and around 243,000$ for 230 acre land around it. It cost alot, people and family members were not happy but I did it anyway and forged ahead.
After all the paperwork was done and trasfer was complete, I immediately started production. I also purchased medium sized industrial computer from IBM at around 30,000$ and installed it at factory.

Me: Uncle Mitchell, do you want to join my lawyers team. I need a capable lawyer.

Mitchell: No, Will. I still need experience and that's why I need to work in law firms. I also want to have my own law firm. If you need anything I'm here to help you but I think I will pass that offer.

Me: Okay. I guess you being at good law firm can also provide me help at bigger level. So anyways, I need you to help me register the global copyright of this game.

I handed the materials.

Me continued: It's called Tetris and I need you to be completely full proof with its copyright in the least possible time.

Mitchell: Okay. It will be done.

Me: Thanks uncle Mitchell. You send me the whole cost including your fee and I will send you check. And please, you should take your fee. I have very simple philosophy and I think you have too that is Business is business and family is family. I don't mix them both. I upheld it all the time but I think you didn't do that last time which I understand is probably due to my age. I'm all for free stuff but mind me there is no free stuff in this world.

Mitchell: I understand and I'm glad you have such mature outlook at this very young age. You always surprise me with what you can do.

Next day, I took my personal computer to factory which had game and it's code so that it can be recorded on new motherboard. These days there is no U disk or mobile hard disc and requires direct computer to computer transmission. I have so much do. Increase the security of the factory, some extra construction, soundtrack for game etc.

I contacted a studio in LA to make soundtrack which I have in my mind. I have already registered it's copyright. I have made a promise to myself that everything which I produce or has my contribution will be copyrighted and I will have full control of its rights to extract maximum profits and benefits.

After getting the soundtrack, I perfectly integrated the recorded music and the game on the medium-sized computer. After seeing the effect, I alongwith my new team at factory was very excited. The arcade machines of this era are not very complicated, the main thing is the motherboard, audio and display, so I started to burn 2 sets of them with blank motherboards overnight, and they were quickly assembled.

As for the coin slot, which is directly designed to be  25 cents per round, this is common in USA. As for the difference of coins in different countries in the future, it can be recognised on the software, this is still very simple.

After completing everything, I invited my family members to try and give comments on it.


Dunphy household

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