Travels with scout (2)

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Scene : Dunphy household

Claire : No, Phil, he wouldn't, because you guys never actually
talk about anything.

Phil : We talk all the time. He crank-calls me at work like three
times a week.

Claire : Crank calls don't count.

Phil : It counts for fun.

Claire : No, honestly, I think that you should find out what's going
on with your dad.

Phil : It's going to be nothing. My dad isn't like your dad. There's
nothing deep and dark inside. His hard candy Shell is just...Hiding
more candy.

Alex : I think he wants to go out. Go boy.

Phil : Smart dog.

Claire : I hate to break it to you, but I think all dogs can do that.

Luke : I'm gonna play outside. Ow! What happened?

Cameron: Okay, should I just play a little something?

Dylan : Yeah, but, you know, if it doesn't work out, Don't feel bad.

Cameron: Well, hopefully this is... this is like riding a bicycle and
will all come back to me. That's the loud one. So...Here we go.
Hm.... Oh, silly me. I had the sticks in the wrong hands.

Dylan : Wow.

Neal : Dude, you should label those sticks.

(Cut the scene)

Scene : Pritchett household

Manny : Is that the alarm? Has our perimeter been breached?

Jay : It's not the alarm. The doorbell won't stop ringing.

Manny : Maybe a demon is ringing it.

Jay : Not a demon.

Gloria : Ay! Who keeps ringing the doorbell?

Manny : We're pretty sure it's a demon.

Jay : Oh, yeah? There (pulls out the wires). If it were a demon, it would keep on ringing.

Manny : Not if he's already inside. I'm getting a weapon.

Gloria : What were you thinking? Who takes a little boy to a
horror movie? That's loco, Jay.

Jay ; This is no big deal. You want scary? When I was his age, I
lived through the WW2. I slept with a knife under my pillow in case I had to fight some soviet colonel.

Gloria : Why would they send a soviet colonel to get a little boy?

Jay : Because I could identify every commie plane.

Gloria : What are we talking about?

Jay : Look, all I'm saying, being scared is part of growing up.
Manny will get over this. It builds character.

Manny : I'll take the first watch. You two might as well get some
rest. It's gonna be a long night.

Gloria : Character.

(cut the scene)

Scene : Dunphy household

Phil : Dad?

Frank : Come on in. It's open.

Phil : Hey.

Frank : Don't tell me... you need a cup of sugar.

Phil : Nah, just, uh... I was just wondering, I don't know, uh...
anything on the old noodle?

Frank : Other than a bad toupee? I'm kidding, of course. This is
my real hair.

Modern family: AdditionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz