Come fly with me(1)

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Scene: Dunphy household

Claire : I got it.

Phil : Okay, we got it. He's a little jumpy.

Claire : Oh, go figure a teenage boy doesn't want to hang out With his girlfriend's dad.

Phil : I thought we were past all that. I'm all about... I'm all about

taking it to the next level.

Claire : Really? I thought you were all about keeping it real.

Phil : Yes, but the whole point of keeping it real is so you can take

it to the next level. Did you really not know that?

Claire : You haven't exactly taken it to the next level with my dad.

Phil : What are you talking about?

Claire : We've been married for 16 years, and you still walk on

eggshells around him.

Phil : What? Are you kidding? Jay and I are total buds.

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Pritchett household

Jay : You... you want to just hang out?

Phil : Brought six friends, so that just... Let's...

(Cut the scene)

Scene: Dunphy household

Gloria : Manny brought his favorite game to play with Luke.

Manny : Yes

Claire : Luke is gonna love that. He's out back playing.

Gloria : Do you need me to get you something while I'm out


Claire : That's such a nice offer, but I think we're good. Thanks.

(Alex and me entering)

Alex : Okay, what about this?

Me: what's going on.... Hi! Manny. Hola Gloria. Vas a alguna parte?

Claire : You don't even say hello to Gloria and Manny?

Alex : Hi, Gloria and Manny. Okay, mom, what about this?

Claire : No, you're wearing a dress.

Alex : Mom, come on!

Claire : What? It's gonna kill you to look like a girl for one afternoon?

Alex : But it's a wedding for some friend of yours, that I never even heard of.

Gloria (to me): Ir de compras, ¿necesitas algo?

Me: Quiero algunas frutas, aguacate y bayas. Y gracias Gloria.

Gloria: Ningún problema

Manny: Hey, how come you never talk to me in Spanish.

Me: But you always speaks English. Come on, is this a game.

Manny: Ya! Cool right.

Me: Hmm

Claire : It's nonnegotiable. You can borrow a dress of Haley's again.

Alex : No, that sends an ugly message... That I'm Haley. You know, instead of trying to force me to wear a dress, Why don't you worry about getting Luke to wear some pants?

Claire : What? Why does he do this? Luke! Pants! Come on!

Me: it's just a dress. What's Big deal Mom. You should wear a dress you want to wear and you are comfortable with it.

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