Birth (2)

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Claire's pov:

During the starting months of my pregnancy, I am often hungry so I eat alot and frequently. First I didn't realised then as time progresses Phil, Hayley, Alex and luke looked at me strangely.

First I thought they are mesmerizing by my pregnancy glow but things started to get weird as my father and Gloria also stared at me with same gaze. I couldn't resist so one day I asked Phil.

I said: " what is it?? Why are you people staring at me like that??"

Phil said: " .......Nothing "

I insisted: " No tell me, what is it. I want to know. You better tell me and I don't want to repeat myself."

Phil hesitated and said:
" are eating alot and when I say alot it means alot."

I frowned and said: " what?? What is the fuck are you talking about."

I was pregnant so my mood swings were on and I was easy to get angry so no one said anything to me and I didn't realised.

Phil said: " It's nothing. I'm just kidding....."

We were in kitchen and Hayley suddenly came and said: " No Mom, We are not kidding and you are eating like you never eat before. And don't you realise groceries are purchased more frequently than before and you are like eating most of the time."

I was perplexed and said: " Are you guys joking with me??"

I saw their faces and realised they are serious, I said: " Really???  Why didn't I realised?? Is this ok?? Is there be any harm to baby?? .... Phil, book the appointment immediately, we are going to see doctor."

Then alex came downstairs and said: " Relax, this isn't Big deal. Every pregnant woman goes through this phase. Baby needs nutrients and energy so he takes it from mother's body so naturally mother has to eat more to provide it to the baby. But it seems that baby needs alot because though you are eating way too much but you haven't changed. I mean you look same and probably didn't gain weight of your own."

I became relaxed then I started noticing all my behaviour and came to the conclusion that yes, they are right. Even then I told Phil to book the appointment with doctor because date of regular appointment to check baby's health was coming as well.

I, Phil and Hayley hopped on car and went to see doctor. First I went for ultrasound to check the health of fetus/baby. Then we took photo of fetus as memoir. Then I explained my situation to doctor to see what professional advice he gives.

I said: " Doctor, I'm eating alot during these months. Is anything wrong with that?"

Doctor said: " No there is nothing wrong with it. You see there is another life within you and it needs energy and nutrition for it's survival and growth. Claire, you are my old patient. You have already gave birth three times. Why are you so nervous??"

I said: " I'm not nervous doctor but I'm eating alot compared to my previous pregnancies. I myself didn't realised it until my husband and daughters pointed it out."

Doctor said: " it's fine. It happens. You see, fetus is healthy and strong. Your health is good too. As for eating alot because baby needs the energy. It doesn't happen normally but it's not rare. There are many fetus which requires more energy during their growth inside mother's womb. Generally in such cases, mothers lose weight as they don't increase their diet accordingly but in your case since you raised your diet, you are able to maintain your weight and figure."

I was immediately realxed and said: " Thanks doctor."

After coming out of hospital, I told Phil and Hayley all about it. But I knew that although I'm eating more but my diet is not balanced. I needed to have more fruits and veggies. I need to have nutrients myself in order to provide to the baby. I told Phil to head towards Mall.

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