Stone Cold

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Finnick's POV (just this chapter)

"She's unconscious," I yelled in panic, "Haymitch! She's unconscious!"

"Shit," he cussed.

"Where can she get help?" I asked.

No one answer.

"TELL ME!" I screamed, my lungs burning, my throat raw, "she's going to die, she's losing blood by the bucketload! This isn't a sit around and wait kind of situation, this is someone's life, my girlfriend's life, she means the fucking world to me. She is everything. If she dies, you can say goodbye to me as well, because without her I have no purpose here! Please, I can't lose her. I physically cannot. Help. Please. Help me!"

"I don't know Finnick!" Haymitch roared back, "you think I want to sit here and let her go? No! I don't!"

"Johanna," I said, hopeless as tears pouring from my eyes, "what do I do?"

She sunk down and touched Flaire's face gently, "Will the Capitol hospitals have staff in them?"

"I don't know," I choked, "please, please. She has to live. She can't leave me."

"I know," she whispered, "she can't leave me either and we won't let it happen."

"There are intensive care patients from the war that will need to be tended to," Peeta said suddenly, "if we get there fast enough we could save her."

"We'll have to make it through the mob," Haymitch pointed out, "it could be more dangerous."

"What's more dangerous is spending the time discussing this whilst Flaire is losing blood," Johanna snapped, "let's just go. Haymitch, Peeta and I will provide cover for Finnick who'll carry Flaire through the mob to the hospital."

Haymitch pulled out his flask and took a few gulps before passing it to Johanna. She gladly took it and chugged a load, she offered Peeta who declined and then myself. I shook my head, clinging to Flaire. He breathing was slowing by the second. I looked down at her. Her perfect face so relaxed and beautiful. No. I wouldn't let her go, not like this.

"Let's go," Haymitch said, "Johanna you go in front, then Finnick with Flaire and Peeta beside him. I'll leave last, got it?"

We all agreed and Johanna opened the door. A wave of shouts hit us like bullets. People were still screaming and running around. I tightened my grip to Flaire's body and pulled her closer to my chest. The scene was wild. Someone ran towards Johanna, grabbing her arm. I made her out to be Enobaria, I could only tell from her fangs.

"What happening?" she asked.

"Flaire's injured," Johanna replied, "we're trying to get to a hospital."

"Let me help, I'll try and divert some of the mob," Enobaria offered.

"How?" she asked.

"I can cause a distraction," she said, "lead them elsewhere."

"It's too dangerous," Peeta pressed, "please don't get yourself hurt, it'll be harder to transport two people to the hospital."

"Don't panic lover-boy," she said, "I know what I'm doing. I want to do this."

"What?" he asked.

She ignored him, turning to look at me, "Just... tell Flaire I said I wanted to this and it isn't her fault. Tell her I didn't want to be here anyway. Tell her I said thank you. For all she did for me. Please. She has a good heart and it's worth saving. Mine on the other hand can be spared. Just know, you're a lucky man Finnick."

I didn't reply, confused, but before I could question Enobaria slowly walked into a large crowd and whistled. People around her fell silent. There must've been two hundred or so.


"What's she doing?" Peeta asked, "she doesn't support Snow."

"Sacrificing herself," Johanna said in barely a whisper.

All of a sudden the mob was attacking Enobaria. I turned away. It was brutal. The pain she must've endured was more than any human could cope with. By the end of the torture, her body lay stone cold and bloody on the floor, mangled and trampled. What a brave, brave soul. I felt a lump growing in my throat. Another dead for no reason. I forced myself to continue on, as did the others. She died for Flaire. Why? I don't know. But I will be forever thankful that she did that. The mob diverted in one direction and it cleared a dir3ct Plath to the hospital. I broke out into a run, the other copying. Johanna got in first and I burst through the doors shortly after.

"Hey!" she was yelling, "my friend needs serious medical attention. She had a fall. There's a lot of blood!"

"Please!" Peeta shouted, "please help."

Haymitch took another swig of alcohol, "Doctor! Get your arse over here!"

White coats rushed towards us, forming a circle. Questions flew at me quickly and loudly, my head was spinning. Ciukndt they see she was bleeding all over the place? Couldn't they fix her?

"Please!" I said, "she had a fall, backwards. She needs help."

As soon as they realised the severity of Flaire's condition she was rushed into an emergency room. My shirt was coated in her blood, it made me feel sick. As I went to walk into the hospital room behind the doctors one held me back.

"You must wait here," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We may need to operate," he sighed

"Will she be okay?" I asked quickly.

"We can't say for sure," he shrugged.

"What does that mean?" I asked, irritated, "why can't you be sure? This is someone's life, not some science experiment!"

"Her condition is critical," the doctor explained, "just wait here, we'll be out sooner or later."

I sat down my placed my head in my hands. Johann rubbed her hand in circular motions of my back. It was comforting to an extent, but didn't stop my anxiety. Flaire. She'd almost slipped away from me one too many times. The fight was finally over and now I'd lose her? Why did it work this way? We'd been through so much together and the love in my heart I couldn't have for anyone else in this universe. It was eternal, it was beautiful, it was passionate, it was ours. I felt my eyes begin to produce tears again and I sobbed into my hands. What if she didn't wake up this time? The doctor stepped out, my head snapped up. He looked solemn.

"I'm sorry Mr Odair..."

I found a way to update, thanks to anyone who commented to help me 🙂
What did you guys think of Finnick's POV? Should I write more?
Let's take a moment for Enobaria 💔💔😭😭
Thanks for reading xx

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