Peeta's Warning

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I'd been brought back to the room with the cells. Johanna had been sat there waiting for me. Tears brimmed in my eyes but I waited until the peacekeepers left to let them fall.

"Don't cry," Johanna said softly, her voice gentle and calm, "please don't cry."

"I'm horrible Jo," I sobbed, "I'm so so horrible."

"No," she said, "no you're not."

"Oh Jo," I cried.

"What Flaire? Tell me. I was so worried about you," she said quickly.

"I thought I killed him," I whispered , "I thought I killed Finnick."

"What... Finnick isn't here," she explained, "he's in thirteen."

"They had his voice, they played me his voice," I said shakily, "you should've heard it. It sounded so real Jo. So. Real."

"They probably just got a jabberjay," she murmured, "they could easily get his voice and contort it to say something. You've seen the tech only they have. It wasn't him."

"They injected me with this stuff and they brought a man in, but I thought it was Finnick," I tried to explain.

"How?" She asked.

"It was him standing there," I said.

"They made you hallucinate," she replied softly.

"I really thought I killed him," I sobbed again.

"But you didn't," Johanna replied.

"But I killed someone," I sobbed.

"You have before," she shrugged, "so have I, besides you couldn't control it."

" was someone from seven," I whispered.

"Oh," she murmured.

"See what I've done now," I said.

"I said before, you had no control," she said.

Before I could reply we were presented with a large screen. This was it. This was Peeta's interview.

"Hello Peeta," Caesar said, "yes, you heard me right ladies and gents, Peeta Mellark is back."

"Thank you Caesar," Peeta said, his chapped lips quivering.

"What would you like to say?" Caesar asked.

"Tonight, we've received reports of derailed trains and grainaries on fire and of a savage attack on the hydroelectric dam on District five," he said, his voice shaking, "I'm begging for restraint and decency."

'No Snow is...'

All of a sudden an image overtook the screen. Katniss's voice rung out. She was... singing? We heard it loud and clear, she was alive.

"Katniss," Peeta murmured, "Katniss, are you there? Katniss?"

"Shit what's he doing!" Johanna yelled.

"Peeta please continue," Caesar smiled, "you were telling us about the savage attacks."

"Oh shut up!" Johanna spat as if he could hear her.

"The attack dam was a callous and inhuman act of destruction," he continued, his voice shaking more and more violently.

"He's ill," I whispered, a tear rolling down my cheek, "and they aren't going to stop."

Before Johanna could reply Katniss flashed up of the screen again and Peeta leaned forwards and said, "think about it. How will this end? What will be left? No one can survive this... no one is safe now. Not here in the Capitol, not in any of the Districts."

"Come on!" Johanna screamed, "Now's his chance, he better take it!"

"They're coming Katniss," he said, "to District thirteen, you'll be dead by morning-"

The cameras were cut as Peeta was man handled and dragged from the scene. The Capitol's emblem was forced onto the screen suddenly. Well done Peeta.

"YES," Jo screamed, "HE DID IT."

"He's gonna pay though," I murmured growing more nervous.

"But they're going to rescue us and then he'll be fine," she said, "we're going to be okay."

"We keep saying that to each other but at this point it's not even comforting anymore. Jo maybe we're not getting out," I sighed.

"Have you seem that state of that boy?" She asked, "the mockingjay is a bit too predicable. One look at him and she'll break down. Snow will trigger something within her after the bombing. She will give up and that's when they're forced to come and rescue Peeta and hopefully us."

I heard his screams. They were so real, so vivid, so loud. I bit my lip until it bled. Peeta was going through something horrible. Much more horrible than Johanna or I had been through. These screams were not just of pain and we could both hear it. We both winced at the noise bounced off of the walls echoing to our cells. Almost like a ghost haunting us.

"What are they doing to him?" Johanna said, squinting her eyes closed.

"Something horrible," I replied.

"I can see if I can do something," Enobaria's voice came from the darkness.

"You're a prisoner too remember?" Johanna scoffed, "they aren't going to listen to you."

"She was only trying to help," I muttered, feeling a dirty look coming at me from my friend.

"They'll be bombing thirteen now," Johanna said, her voice like stone.

"Lucky they had the warning," I sniffled.

The screams grew louder and longer. For a moment I thought I was in one of my dreams again, those nightmarish ones where screams seem to play a key role in. Though to my dismay I wasn't. After what felt like forever the screams ceased and a horrible pounding entered my heart as the horrible thoughts swarmed my head, what if Peeta Mellark had just died?

We waited.... and waited.... and waited..... and waited. But the peacekeepers never returned to put Peeta back in his cell. Through the silence I could tell we were all fearing the same thing.

"Do you think they actually..." I murmured.

"No," Johanna cut me off, "they haven't.... He's too valuable."

Making me jump, once again, was the metal clinging on the bolt. A peacekeeper walked through the door, his arm clutching Peeta's. A sense of relief flooded through me. He was okay. Well no he wasn't. But he was alive. The poor thing looked absolutely horrible. Cuts and bruises were all over him. The peacekeepers finally left and I immediately moved closer to his cell.

"Peeta," I said slowly, "are you alright?"

He didn't reply.

"Peeta," I whispered, "you can talk to me."

No reply.

"I think Katniss will be here soon," I murmured, "she'll come and get you."

"Katniss wants to kill me." He replied.

What. Had. They. Done.

Peeta has warned 13
And the  hijacking has begun...

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