The Watching Game

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Over the next few days we mentored our tributes as much as possible. Taught them stuff that we knew and stuff that they would need to know. Advised them to work of strengths as well as weaknesses. The time came for the individual assessments. Poppy went in with a crossbow, Tye with poison darts. They both came out satisfied and proud, thank the lord. When the time came, we awaited for the scores to be read out. It was no surprise each career scored from 8-10. I listened closely when it came to Finnick's district.

"District 4," Caesar said in his annoying voice, "Pike scores a seven and Annie Cresta scores a nine! Surprising us all there."

I raised an eyebrow at the screen. This was all so stupid. It seemed like an endless wait for district 8 to come around. The lowest score so far had been a 5 so hopefully we'd do better than that at least.

"District 8's Tye Crealer scores an eight," Caesar said.

"That's amazing!" I yelled, without thinking as Clo and Amaryllis clapped and cheered. Poppy gave Tye a quick hug before fixating her eyes back on the screen, anxiously awaiting her result.

"And Poppy Sound scores an eight as well," Caesar smiled.

"Well done you two, that's great," I beamed.

These two were great fighters and I believed in them, but only time would tell...

I saw Tye and Poppy for the last time that day. They would make their way into the arena sooner or later. I couldn't bear to flick on the TV to watch, I didn't want to see anyone die. I decided to go down to Finnick's floor, I needed not to be lonely. I quickly made my way there, knocking on the door.

"Hey Finnick," I said as he opened it.

"Hey," he smiled, "get in here."

I beamed stepping in, "are you watching?" I asked.

He nodded, "don't want them to die."

"Are you trying to get sponsors already?" I asked, laughing.

He nodded.

"Pathetic," I giggled.

"I don't want her to die," he explained.

My heart sunk a thousand feet more, "oh."

"Do you want some champagne?" he offered?

"I shouldn't really," I said, "you know how I get when I'm drunk."

"I'll have one," he winked playfully.

"Fine," I groaned, giving in, what could one glass do?

Yeah...the thing about one glass....

I awoke from the darkness by a bright light shining in my eyes. My head was pounding as if Hades had crawled into my brain and decided he wanted to use it as a drum for a rock concert. My whole body ached as well, from head to toe. I noticed I still had shoes on from yesterday as well as my clothes. I groaned as I sat up, my head absolutely killing me. I had the sudden urge to throw up so I sprinted to the nearest bathroom reaching the sink just in time. I was surprised when I felt a hand rubbing my back gently as everything from yesterday made a reappearance. I was the handed a toothbrush which I was eternally grateful for. I brushed good and hard to get the taste form my mouth. Once I was finally finished I gave Finnick a hug.

"Sorry you had to see that," I said.

"I was hungover too," he whispered, "I guess neither of us can do just one glass."

"I guess not," I smiled.

He then handed me two aspirin to take with a glass of water. Before we both made our way to the living room.

"Sponsor day," Finnick sighed.

"Shit! I forgot," I said, "did you catch up with the games?"

"Yep, the only ones dead were the two from three, the boy from five, both from six, the girl from seven, both from twelve and one from eleven. Most of them in the bloodbath of course but some were killed last night by careers."

I breathed out. Good. None from eight. That meant Tye and Poppy still had a chance and I could make that chance better by getting them sponsors.

"We need to start getting the dipshits in the Capitol to save our tributes," Finnick said.

"You mean Annie," I teased, hoping my jealously and bitterness wouldn't come through.

"Yes I mean Annie," he said, matter a factly.

I don't think anyone could understand how annoying this is. I mean he's only just met her, she's probably going to die soon anyway and I've been here what feels like forever and I'm just.....wait what am I to him? A friend, an easy target... I don't get Finnick sometimes he's confusing and weird. I know what I want. Him. But he never knows what he wants and when he finally makes up his mind it's Annie Cresta from District 4. Don't get me wrong I can see why, she's stunning and kind, but why aren't I? Life is so annoying, don't you think?

Searching for sponsors was tiresome. One and Two had most of the people waiting in a queue to sign their spouse slips. Finnick wasn't doing too badly either. Putting on his charm, agreeing to sleep with a few people, etcetera etcetera. Me , yeah I had no luck. Not one person was interested. It's embarrassing having to go up to someone and ask them for help and then you have to convince them or some shit.

"Doing well princess?" Haymitch laughed, drunk again.

"Shut up. You didn't even have to do this, you're two are dead," I spat back.

"Woah there girlie, I was playing around," he laughed, "I already knew my two would be dead first time. Why do think I'm so happy?"

"Because your drunk," I replied.

"That may have something to do with it," he said, pausing to take another sip of his whiskey, "but I'll convince myself it's not and drink some more and it will all be alright."

I decided it was better for Tye or Poppy to actually need something to get sponsors for them. Poppy was hiding in a bush currently, she'd gotten hold of a crossbow after a group of careers killed some one and had accidentally left it. She'd also found some water and shot a bird dead, which she had eaten. Tye on the other hand had snatched the box of poison darts as well as a sword from the cornucopia and had later stolen an axe when he had killed the girl from seven. He was strong and intimidating and word had it that careers were hunting him. Maybe I'll use that to my advantage to get sponsors. I noticed his minor arm wound that he had coated in leaves. He would be okay. For now.


The 70th Hunger Games!
Finnick's in love...
What's going to happen?
Rosabella xx

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