The Wedding

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I woke up to the sight of my hair coating my face like a blanket. I heard a small chuckle as I flipped it back. And looked up to see Finnick.

"Don't laugh," I said.

"I'm not laughing," he said.

"Yes you are!" I accused him.

"No I'm not, I'm smiling because you're so beautiful," he replied.

"Sure you were," I yawned.

"I was surprised you weren't up earlier," he laughed.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of the wedding," he shrugged.

"What wedding?" I said, my head snapping up.

"Did no one tell you?" He said.

"No!" I exclaimed.

"Gale's brother, the one only slightly younger than him..."

"Vick?" I asked.

"Yeah Vick, he's marrying Bonnie," Finn shrugged.

"Bonnie?!" I shrieked.

"Yeah, you know her?" He asked.

"She's from my District," I exclaimed, "oh gosh where is she?"

"How do I know?" He replied.

"I have to see her," I told him, jumping out of bed.

I quickly slipped on the ugly grey jumpsuit, washed myself and brushed my hair and teeth before I went down the corridor in search of Bonnie. Lucky for me I bumped into Gale.

"Gale, where's Bonnie?" I asked.

"Getting ready, why?" He replied, "she was looking for you actually."

"Really? Then it would be helpful to know where she's getting ready," I laughed.

"Next corridor, third door on the left," he told me.

"Thank you," I smiled, rushing there, knocking on the door.

"Who is it?" A voice that I recognised as Twill's called.

"It's me," I said, "Flaire."

The door was immediately swung open and I was greeted in Twill's arms.

"You made it," I smiled.

"We did and so did you!" She exclaimed.

"I did," I replied softly, "congrats Bonnie."

"Thank you," she beamed, "I couldn't be happier."

"Good," I grinned, "did many from eight make it?"

"There aren't many here but our people have moved across Districts to spread the message," Twill sighed.

"That's alright then," I replied.

"Do you want to do some hair or make up?" Bonnie asked.

"Oh lord no!" I laughed, "I'm horrible at it!"

"Good thing you have me then," said a woman, in a customary Capitol accent, dressed in extreme extravagance.

"And you are?" I asked.

"My names Effie darling," she smiled, "Effie Trinket."

"Katniss mentioned you," I said, realising who she was.

"Of course she did," Effie tutted as she twisted Bonnie's dark hair to create something amazing, "I am of course here escort but also one of her closest friends."

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