Squad 451

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"You need to wake up now," Finnick said softly.

"But I'm tired!" I groaned.

"And who's fault is that?" he said, pulling the covers off.

"Yours," I said.

"Nu-uh," Finn replied, wagging his finger, "who stayed up last night?"

"Me," I whispered.

"So who's fault is it?" He repeated.

"Yours," I smirked.

He laughed, "come on we're going to miss the bloody hovercraft."

"Calm down I only have to throw on an ugly black amour!" I exclaimed, getting out of our bed.

"It's an upgrade from the jumpsuit," Finn smiled.

"Yeah a darker colour, even less comfortable and a bit of padding," I chuckled, "a real upgrade."

"Come on love," he said.

"Geez man do you have any patience," I huffed playfully, "I mean do you want me to go out there smelling like a man after a work out?"

"You could never," he smirked.

"Oh believe me when I said, I could," I said.

We met with Johanna outside the hospital. She had of course insisted on coming with the Squad and we weren't taking 'No' as an answer. The three of us boarded the hovercraft and were the first on for quote some time.

"If I'd known I had this much time, I would've made myself look a little more presentable," I joked.

"You look lovely," Finn replied, stroking my cheek gently.

"Are you sure we're on the right craft?"Johanna asked, winking at me whilst Finnick was looking away from her. Prank time.

"Yeah, what one are we on?" I added.

"Craft 825," Finnick shrugged.

"825?" I said, acting my best concerned manor.

"We're on 528!" Johanna exclaimed.

"They might've already left!" I yelled back.

"Shit, shit, shit," he panicked, "I'm so sorry."

All of a sudden we both burst out laughing and Finnick realised what was going on. He sighed, rolling his eyes and sitting back in his seat.

"This is the reason I don't want to live with you two again," he said, "I panicked!"

"It was hilarious," Jo giggled.

"Besides you look cute flustered," I smirked as I watched the blush creep up Finnick's face.

"Ewww," Johanna replied.

"What?" I said.

"We're in love," Finn shrugged.

"Not in front of me," she said, "it's weird and it grosses me out!"

"How do you think I felt when I walked in on you guys having sex?" I countered, "multiple times."

After ten minutes the rest of the squad finally decided to show up as well as Plutarch and Coin herself. She looked into the craft and immediately laid eyes on Johanna.

"No," she said.

"Johanna's coming." I shrugged, "it's not up for debate."

"She failed her test," Coin said.

"So did I," I replied, "but you can't use something that triggers PTSD against someone to test them."

"I can and it'll prepare her," Coin spat.

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