District 2

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"No you are not!" Finnick snapped.

"Finn," I said, "I need to go with Katniss."

"I need you here," he said.

"I want to go to District 2 Finn, please," I begged.

"I'll take care of her, don't you worry," Haymitch said, patting his back.

"If she doesn't come back," he murmured, "I swear to god I'll kill you Haymitch!"

I quickly boarded the hovercraft and met with Katniss and Gale at the entrance. Coin looked disapprovingly at me.

"She comes with me," Katniss said.

The old woman could only shrug in response. Good. We walked deeper into it until we found a place where we could sit down. I slowly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, listening to Katniss and Gale.

"I saw Peeta before we left," Gale murmured.

"What did you think?" She asked.

"Something selfish," he replied.

Classic boy.

"That you don't have to be jealous of him anymore?" Katniss asked.

"No," he breathed, "I don't stand a chance if he doesn't get better. You'll never let him go."

The two went into a silence. Or what seemed like one anyway. I could hear their bodies moving towards each other.

"What's going on in your head?" Gale asked.

"I don't know," she admitted.

"That's like kissing someone who's drunk," he said, "it doesn't count."

So they'd kissed... what on earth? I opened my eyes and watched Gale stalked away somewhere. My opinion on him had entirely changed in those few second. Slowly I made my way to sit beside Katniss.

"You heard?" she asked.

"All of it," I nodded, "he's a dick."

"He can be," she shrugged, "well now anyway. Not before, when we were younger it was so... easy."

"Then we grew up," I sighed.

"Then we grew up," she agreed.

"Are you still confused?" I asked.

"Is it bad to say yes?" she questioned.

"No," I said, "but let's sleep now."

I was rudely awakened by someone shouting, "Let's go!"

I glanced at Katniss who was only just getting up. I sat beside her as we both walked towards Gale and Beetee who were deep in conversation.

"This is another version of the booby trapping resource," Gale was saying, not that I cared.

"Right, I see,"

"This one's designed to blind, the smoke clings to the eyes," he said.

"Brutal," I winced, under my breath so only Katniss could here.

She nodded in reply.

"That's an application of the 'hummingbird trap', you scare people so they flee into this direction," he continued, "into what they think is a safe haven..."

"Two tiered explosion," Beetee finished.

"If you allow people enough time to rush in and help the wounded then..."

"A second bomb," Katniss said gravely.

"Right," Gale said looking into her eyes, practically ignoring her discomfort, "so..."

"I guess there are no rules anymore about what a person can do to another person," She said.

"I don't think Snow used any rule book when he hijacker's Peeta," he replied, "or tortured you Flaire."

Katniss slowly departed but I stood my ground staring him right in the eyes. I could sense I was making him uncomfortable and it made me feel good.

"Well done!" I exclaimed, sarcastically.

"What?" He said, "I'm making bombs to hit the enemy!"

"Who is the enemy Gale, tell me?" I said.

"Snow," he replied.

"Exactly!" I shouted, "Snow is your enemy, but these bombs won't kill him. They'll kill the whole damn Capitol. And what about our soldiers who are within reach of those bombs?"

"People are putting their lives at risk for this war as a free choice," he replied.

"No, no one wanted this," I said slowly, "what you're doing is wrong!"

"Tell me then Flaire, as you know so much," he mocked, "tell me what I'm doing."

"You're thriving on hurting people," I said, "I can see it and Katniss can too."

"Katniss doesn't know a thing, her mind isn't in the right place," he yelled.

"If you were that worried about loosing her then you'd better buck up your idea because I know I'd never love a man who could do that," I said.

The hovercraft came to a rocky landing and I was surprised I wasn't sick. The doors open letting the crisp air flow throw the whole of the ship. I walked beside Katniss and Haymitch out of the hovercraft.

There was a man yelling something along the lines of, "Welcome to District 2. I'm Corporal Holmes. If you'd follow me please."

I looked around the district of weaponry. The place in which we had landed was nearly all rubble. Making me jump, a bomb went off in the distance. We all ducked as protocol told us to.

"Don't worry," the Corporal said, "it's just how the loyalists say good morning."

He lead us into a building in which there were many different people gathered around a table with and electronic map sort of thing.

"President Coin we're indebted to you for the reinforcements and the mockingjay," the 'leader' type figure said to Coin, who's face still was here in 2 on a screen.

"But I'm not sure anyone outside of 2 knows what we've been up against," she continued, "this is The Nut, the Capitol's headquarters for all offensive operations. It's manned by both the military and civilian personnel from District 2. S you can see, the fortress lies so far beneath the bedrock, it's untouchable. Yesterday, we attempted to take the Northeastern Gate, the enemy countered from higher up and we were forced to retreat. We took heavy losses."

"Could we create a decoy," someone asked, "send troops towards one gate, launch a staggered attack at another."

"Who's troops do you propose we use as a decoy commander?" Another woman asked.

"We have the mockingjay," Coin cut in, "don't underestimate her, we could use her to erode support."

"You've been underground a long time Madam Coin," the leader said, "this isn't like the rest of Panem. Support for the Capitol runs deep here."

"The there is no sacrifice too great," Coin smiled, maliciously, "even with an alliance, we are outgunned."

"I won't commit my people to a ground assault just to pillage weapons," the woman said.

That's when I zoned out. I vaguely knew the two of them were arguing like old women (oh wait, they are) and that Gale proposed an idea. There was lots of dispute over this idea but Coin got the final call. The mission had begun.

It feels like I haven't updated in years 😭😂
Repeated the film a bit, sorry

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