Grey Eyes

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I heard gunshots. Loud horrible gunshots. Two peacekeepers dropped dead. The noise made my ears bleed and my head hurt. I felt the knife dig into my neck. But at the sound of another gunshot it's gone. I felt woozy as some sort of gas went up my nose. I felt someone put their hand to support the back on my head and I opened my eyes. The man above me was no peacekeeper. He had a black uniform on that matched his hair. But his eyes....they were a strong grey colour. I started to panic. My breathing grew fast and my heart rate increased.

"Shhhhh...You're going to be okay," he said, slowly stroking my cheek, "we're here to rescue you. We're going to take you to District 13. Where Finnick and Katniss are."

"Finnick," I murmured.

"That's right," the man said.

"Who are you?" I asked calming down slightly.

"My name's Gale Hawthorne," he murmured.

"You're the one Katniss heard in the arena," I said, "with the Jabberjays. She heard Prim and then're important to her."

"I hope so," he smiled, "can you walk?"

I nodded as he helped me to sit up. My head was pounding. Slowly I managed to pull myself up off of the ground. The peacekeepers' bodies lay lifelessly on the floor. It was now their blood staining the white tiles. Gale kept his arm around my waist supporting me with each step.

"Did you get Peeta and Johanna?" I asked quickly.

"Don't worry, they're already in the aircraft," he soothed.

"And Enobaria?" I said.

"And Enobaria," he confirmed.

We slowly walked into the hovercraft and he made sure I was entirely comfortable before he took a seat next to me.

"Do you want some water?" He asked.

I immediately nodded actually realising how dry my throat was. I mean my oesophagus may as well as been the bloody Sahara desert. Gale quickly retrieved me a glass to drink from. I put the cup to my lips and tasted the liquid. It was like some expensive delicacy now. They say you've never really experience something until you've lost it. I guess it's true. I looked over to Johanna, Enobaria and Peeta who were sound asleep.

"They were knocked out by the gas, I'm surprised you weren't," Gale explained, watching me.

"I felt tired," I shrugged, "how comes none of you passed out?"

"We had masks," he said.

"Oh," I replied.

"We have some clothes," he said slowly, "if you think you can change."

I nodded quickly and followed him to a little room. There lay a cotton night dress.

"It's a hospital gown," he murmured, "when you get there they'll be running tests on you, it's better you're in that."

"Thank you," I smiled, closing the door.

I carefully peeled back my game-suit that clung to my skin like a baby to its mother. I hissed in pain as the unsealed lashes on my back stung, being exposed to oxygen. I walked over to the basin of water and used a cloth to wash my dirty body. I scrubbed every inch of my skin until my skin was raw. Apart from my lashed back that is. I used the little hairbrush to brush the matted mass on my head. I then slowly placed the soft flow lay material onto myself and walked out.

"How do you feel?" Gale asked.

"Refreshed," I said sitting back down.

"Are you okay if I go and check on how we're going to get out of the Capitol now?" he asked.

"Thank you so much," I said as I nodded.

"No problem," he said, giving my hand a little squeeze.

I watched as he walked towards the front of the hovercraft. He was very tall and muscular. I didn't recognise anything about him apart from his voice. He was nice anyway.

"We have a problem," one voice murmured.

"What?" He asked.

"They're back online," the voice replied.

"Shit," he hissed, walking back towards me, "this ride may be bumpier than expected."

"Will they shoot?" I asked.

"That's the guess," Gale sighed," but don't worry. I won't let you go back there."

"Thank you," I sniffed.

"Flaire?" Johanna yawned.

"Hey Jo," I said quietly.

"Do you want some water?" Gale asked.

She nodded slowly as she began to realise the situation, "we're going to thirteen."

"If we can get there," I said.

"Why wouldn't we," she asked.

"We're flying over the Capitol now and their guns have all come back online apparently," I shrugged.

"Oh great," she said sarcastically, "another chance of death, just what we need."

I started laughed, my voice growing hoarser but the second. I sipped from my cup of water again as Gale handed Johanna one.

"We're flying over now," he told us, "parachutes will drop from the roof if we need them. Then we'll attempt to go by foot."

"What about Peeta?" I asked, "He's still out."

"We'll wake him when the time is right," Gale said, "but it's looking like it won't come to that."

"Weird," Johanna said.


We successfully made it through all of the districts. Not a single was fired at us, not once. I was so confused and I could tell the others were from the looks on their faces. Johanna went off to freshen up like me as I felt a pang in my heart. We flew over district 8. I got up and looked out of the window and felt mortified as I saw how much my home had been destroyed. It had never been and would never be much but it was my home. Peeta slowly came round when we got to District 11, but he was still woozy as e flew over 12 and when we arrived in 13.

My heart started racing as the hovercraft came to a halt. I had come to the realisation that I'd get to see Finnick again. I'd be able to lay in his arms and he stroke my hair no tell me it'd all be alright. As I stepped out of the hovercraft, Gale escorted me to a hospital type area. Doctors swarmed around me but all I wanted to see was Finnick. I noticed as Peeta was taken into a different room to be woken up properly and as Johanna, much to her distaste was dragged towards a hospital bed. The doctors were putting all sorts of things on both of us, but instead of lashing out I remained calm.

"Please, please let me see him," I sobbed.

"Flaire?" a recognisable voice said.

"Haymitch!" I yelled, "please, please get me Finnick. I need him."

The man slowly knelt down beside the bed, a few tears glistening in his eyes. He took a finger and brushed it over my hand. Before he looked up into my eyes.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I should've made Coin send them out sooner."

"No information was given," I wheezed, "promise."

"Oh Princess," he sighed, "I'll go get Finnick and Katniss."

"Please." I said.

hope you're enjoying ❤️❤️

I Want What I Can't HaveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora