Who Lives And Who Dies

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Today was the day. It could be my last day alive. If the plan went the right way I'd be fine. If it didn't I was going to die. I was trusting Haymitch on this one praying he wouldn't let me down.

"I'm so so sad to see you go again... I just can't-" Clo sobbed as she was helping me adjust my suit for the arena.

"Don't cry," I murmured.

"It's hard not to," she said, "I remember back when you were sixteen. So young and beautiful. You of course are still both."

"Thanks Clo," I said.

I felt the material in my fingertips. It wasn't going to be cold in that arena. Unless they wanted us to freeze to death, because this material was for humid climates. I put on the golden ring Haymitch had given me as I slowly stepped into my tube that would bring me to the arena. My heart thumped and I suddenly felt like my sixteen year old self again. The light of the sun blinded me and I was right. It was boiling in here. Oh shit. The cornucopia was surrounded by water and a beach, past that was a thick, jungle like forest. I glanced over seeing Johanna who gave me a nod. Then I set out on looking for Finnick but he was no where to be seen.

"Let the 75th Hunger Games begin, may the odds ever be in your favour," came the all too familiar voice.

I saw throwing knives stacked up and knew they were meant to for me.

The only was I could get them was my diving into the water.

I glanced at the other tributes readying themselves.

A sudden sense of worry imposed on me.

I could die right now.

This could be my last thought.

This could be my last breath.

This could be my last sight.

This could be my last feeling.

And the person I loved the most wouldn't know I love him.

I flung myself from the podium into the depths of the water. My eyes burned as the salt got in them. I took a breath as I clung onto the rock, struggling to get onto the land were the cornucopia. Cannons were going off already. I heaved my body weight up and sprinted towards the knives. Enobaria and I grabbed them to the same time.

"Hands off," she growled.

"Absolutely not," I said, kicking her in the stomach and snatching the knives.

Quickly, I ran to the back on the cornucopia and watched Johanna sprint into the forest with Blight in order to catch up with Wiress and Beetee. I decided to make my move and follow them, because of my mini fight with Enobaria going to find Katniss and Peeta was dangerous. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my upper thigh, I looked down, seeing red liquid spreading over the material, with a dagger imbedded in it. I looked up seeing Enobaria smiling, her fang like teeth, shiny in the light. Shit. I sprinted, as fast as a girl with one working leg could,into the jungle until I collapsed into a lake. I hid myself under until she was gone. Once I was sure she was I heaved my throbbing body from the water and onto the land. Then I was ready to die. I lay there hopeless and worthless waiting for all the blood to drain from my body, leaving me dead. Every time a cannon went off I prayed it wasn't Finnick or Johanna. My eyes slowly shut and I was sure that this would be the last time they'd do so.

To my surprise, I awoke to the sound of a sponsor parachute. Eagerly I opened it finding a cream and a bandage.
Get back on your feet- H
Yes, I'm asking myself the same question. Why the hell did Haymitch Abernathy help me? Doesn't he have the mockingjay to worry about? But I was so, so grateful.

"Thank you," I screamed to the air.

The cream relieved my pain and the bandages would help the wound heal. I needed rest and I'd be fine. I also needed to get away from the lake. Not only was it filled with my blood but it was a source of water for other tributes and was a dangerous place to stay.

I began to trek through the forest. The vines were thick and I had to cut through some of them with my knife. I watched out for the forcefields whilst I could. I walked until my legs ached. I forced myself to sit down, leaning against a tree. A vile monster scratched at the edges of my stomach praying for food of which I had none. Suddenly the Capitol's song burst through whatever speaker type things this place had and the images of the fallen were projected into the air. The first image was the male from five. I breathed a sigh of relief. Finnick was okay. I held my breath as I waited to see Joanna's fate. They went from the tributes from six to Cotton. Jo was safe. The song ended with Seeder.

I closed my eyes and rested for two minutes. That's all I got. Panic rose up in me as a bloody great wave flooded the forest all of a sudden. It came out of nowhere like a tsunami. It was meant to kill whoever came into contact with it. I was roped under the lashing waters, my lungs filling with the substance. I was going to die this time I was sure. I felt my body being thrown forwards and backwards so I shut my eyes and let the water take me.

Salt infected my already sore eyes as I opened them. Out of instinct I screamed to the surface. I was alarmed to find that I was still alive. I managed to stand up, waist deep in water. I was by the cornucopia, the wave had carried me here.

"What the fuck Plutarch!" I yelled, coughing the water out.

I waded my way through the water and back onto the beach where I sat taking deep breaths. Nearly all the water had cleared by now. I was exhausted if I was honest. I was dehydrated and half starved. By this rate I'd be delirious by morning.

Flaire's first day in the arena and she's already nearly died twice ❤️❤️
Thanks for reading my lovelies 🥰
Im trying to post a chapter per day, don't know how long that will last 😂😂

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