You Better Not Leave Me

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After Caesar had given his speech, whilst Finnick and I were talking, President Snow had also decided to show himself and was soon interrupted by Coin and Plutarch. They expressed their deep 'sorrow' for the loss of Katniss and blah blah blah. People began to gather around the holo's map and I zoned out completely. When everyone got up to leave I panicked.

"Jo where are we going?" I asked.

"We literally just-" she began.

"Yeah I know but I wasn't paying attention!" I snapped.

"Okay chill," she laughed, "Katniss wants to get to Snow's mansion but the we couldn't because of the pods but what's his name over there thinks there's another way."

"What's the way?" I asked.

"Down," she smirked.

Climbing down a ladder to impending doom didn't really sound all that great. But I did it anyway, Finnick at the end to catch me incase I slipped. Once we all got down Pollux stepped out in front lead the way but was suddenly overcome with emotion.

"Took us 5 years to buy him out of here," his brother explained, "and he didn't see the sun, once."

That must've been horrible. I couldn't imagine it. The tunnels were large and long. If I were here alone I'd get lost almost immediately. I was relieved when we got the moment to rest as my legs were killing me. I leant back on the wall and shut my eyes. Letting my body fall into a light sleep. Sadly it didn't last too long. I strange beeping was preventing sleep from holding me captive. I looked up to see a very alarmed looking Peeta.

"What's wrong?" I murmured.

"Katniss," he said, ignoring me, "Katniss we have to go. They're mutts! We have to GO!!"

Immediately the whole squad was on their feet. We slowly made our way through many more passages following Pollux through the dark. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely petrified. We all got through a small gap one weapon and one person at a time. I thought we'd done it but Jackson turned around revealing the mutts in the light she shone. We began to sprint away from the creatures. It was like a massive game of 'tag you're it' but instead it's 'tag you're dead'. Mutts were appearing from every which way, grabbing people.

We ended up into a bigger space as more and more and more mutts began to flood in. We were completely and utterly outnumbered. I got out my set of in knives and began hurling them and the creatures. Finnick was stabbing them with his trident. They were dropping like flies but appearing like new born rabbits. I watched as Peeta jumped on a mutt defending Katniss. He was remembering. I smiled. Snow could never take it all from him.

I felt something grab my shoulders back as I was dragged under the murky waters. I let down my guard. Shit. The mutt held me under until I couldn't breathe. As my lack of oxygen began to take a toll on my body, I felt myself slipping away. I began to wonder where I'd go if i was going to die. I closed my eyes and my mind focussed on Finnick. This man was my life and he always would be, whether I was here or not. I loved him with all that I had. I didn't resist the mutts grasp, i relaxed and let myself go. To my shock, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, hauling me out of the water. I felt my legs give way as I heaved trying to get as much oxygen in as possible.

"You're okay," Finnick said, crouching by my collapsed figure, "it's going to be okay."

"Finn-" I managed to get out, still breathing heavily.

"Shhhh, don't talk," he said, "get your breath back and we'll get you out."

A mutt ran towards him at that moment, but Finnick blocked and killed it with his trident. I began to focus on my breath. In and out. In and out. In and out. Slowly I felt my lungs strengthen again and I finally felt like I'd be okay again. I forced myself to stand up. My legs were still a little shaky but I was stronger. I got up in the nick of time as a mutt sprinted at me. I quickly grabbed a throwing knife and plunged it into the heart of the ghastly thing.

People were beginning to make a run for the exit now. There was a ladder leading out. Our squad began climb up. What worried me was I couldn't see Finnick. I scanned the room and screamed at what I saw. The mutts tore at his almost lifeless body. Taking chunks of skin out of him. He'd lost his trident and was still going strong. I weakly threw a knife at the mutt. As the water rose slowly.

"HEY," I screamed, feeling meek, "HEY OVER HERE!"

The mutts suddenly looked up towards me. They were angry. But not angry enough to leave his body.

"PLAY DEAD FINN!" I yelled.

"NO! GO FLAIRE!" He shouted, his voice shaky.

"PLEASE!" I screamed, running over.

"GO!" He replied.

The mutts turned around when I was around a foot away and made angered growling sounds at me. I felt someone drag me towards the ladder and turned around to see Gale.

"No!" I screamed, "let go! I'm not leaving him!"

"Flaire, go," Gale murmured.

"No!" I yelled, the water now at my waist.

"I'm coming!" Finnick coughed, "I'm coming."

"You better not leave me," I whispered.

Gale clambered up the ladder and I hesitated before following, seeing Finnick making his way towards us. I got to the top a second after Gale and watched as Finnick managed to grapple onto the ladder. Mutts still pulling him down, my screaming defending the hollow space.

Then Katniss did the unthinkable. I don't think I could've felt more betrayed by anyone in my entire life. She opened her mouth and said the three fateful words.

Thanks for reading 💗💗

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