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After years of desperation and despair, I have adapted to the life of struggle and pain. The idea of never truly knowing what is next is what frightens me most. Never knowing who or what could destroy me years from now;

Or tomorrow.

By noon the same day, the jet was ready to go, and Carlos, Leon, Gabrielle and I were ready to leave. After being away for years, we have no idea the state Xavier could be in, so all security precautions are being took.

So, for Leon's protection (and mine despite repeatedly saying I didn't need protecting) Carlos insisted on returning to America with us. Unfortunately, the attack on Angelo will be put on hold; again.

The plane landed and within an hour we had returned back to Logan's and my home. The rest of my family and close friends were already there, prepared for anything.

Security was dead tight, and the safe houses stocked to the brim. Poor Leon has no idea what is going on, he only knows that monsters are coming to get us, and we need to stick together to stay safe. Hopefully one day he'll understand, that every I do:

I do for him.

Because, at this stage in my life, I am well aware I have more yesterdays than tomorrows. And that is something I am willing to accept.

After losing so much, the idea of dying for the ones I love is like a dream come true. As if my death will have meaning.

"Liv, there's been a parcel left at the gates." Vito said after speaking to my head of security.

"Not another fucking parcel." Theo mumbled from across the room.

"I swear to fucking god if this is another finger." I added, taking the parcel from Vito's hands.

I can trust my head of security, and know that the package will of been checked for bombs as per usual. Using my pocket knife, I cut open the cardboard, to reveal the inside.

There, lay a small, red velvet box. Opening it up, I saw a silver chained cross. Similar to one I have seen many, many times before. Tears stung my eyes as I stared down at the necklace.

"Have this checked for trackers." I said to Leo, who was our best tech guy in the family.

For the past four years he has led the hacking and computer team for the Italian Mafia. Not even Jake could pass the firewalls he set up.

Standing from my seat on the sofa, I headed out the room with Logan by my side, holding my hand in his. Turning towards him, he stared down at me with sympathy.

Opening his arms, he held me close as I broke. Into a million pieces once again. In that moment, Logan understood everything, because this was not the first time I had cried over him.

Over Xavier.

"I'll always be here for you." Logan kissed the top of my head. "No matter what happens, no matter what you decide, I will support you."

In that moment, Logan became fully aware that the love of my life is really alive. The father of my son is really alive. The man I had planned to spend the rest of my life with, is alive.

And Logan knows that if I ever had to choose, I'd choose Xavier. And this is his way of saying, if we couldn't be a couple, we could be friends. Because he screwed it up last time, and he won't take that risk again now that we have Leon.

Once the final tear dried, we walked back inside the lounge where ever was. All eyes were on us, and aware that I had just had a moment, but no one spoke of it.

"I checked the chain, there's no trackers." Leo told me, handing the box to my waiting hands.

Nodding my head, I left the room by myself. Taking the glass banister stairs, I went to the bedroom at the end of the hall.

Inside, was Leon and Gabrielle, the two of them playing with toy cars and aeroplanes. His black/brown hair was fluffed and soft to the touch as usual, his beady little green eyes shone with excitement at my presence.

"MAMA!" He squealed, arms open and charging towards me.

Picking him up and spinning him around, I placed him on my hip as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I have something for you." I told him, kissing the tip on his nose.

His already shining eyes lit up at the mention of a gift, and his small hands began clapping together. Placing him down, I unclasped the chain and placed it around his neck.

Once it was clasped back together, he stared down at it in awe. The chain was the perfect size for his small frame, but would need to be upgraded over time as he grew. It's obvious he'll be tall after taking after his father so much.

"It's so pretty." Leon smiled as he held a he silver cross in his hands.

"It's very special to your Daddy's family, so you have to keep it safe." I told him, love and happiness dripping from every word I spoke, fighting hard to keep the tears at bay.

"Daddy doesn't have a cross." Leon said, confusion painted on his face.

"Your other daddy." I told him with a small smile, watching as Gabrielle wiped tears from her eyes behind Leon.

"Daddy Xavier?" Leon asked.

When Leon saw a photo of Xavier and I together, Logan and I told him the truth. That Logan is his dad, but he's a special dad, a second dad of sorts. Leon understood this, but had trouble understanding what happened to Xavier, so I told him he went to see Aunty Rina, who Leon knows plenty about. I hate that everything that's going to happen will confuse him even more.

"Yes, Daddy Xavier." I whispered, my voice threatening to break on me.

"I'll keep it safe mama." Leon promised, hugging me close.

If only Leon knew. The invitation was still crumpled in my back pocket, like a searing hole on the back of my mind.

My family and I have been invited to a ball.

One where we are sure to see Xavier, and our enemy.

And unfortunately, this enemy wants nothing more than me to suffer. Because actions have consequences, and in my enemies's eyes, I deserve worse than death.

And now, with Leon in my life, I can finally understand why.

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