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T H E O 

Andrea and I were stuck in an after school detention, him for looking in lesson. Thankfully it wasn't showing the persons face because, Nina, his girlfriend would have joined us. And I was here for backchat, and for being late since I insisted on walking Liv to her lessons that  I wasn't in. 

Andrea already sent Nina to the basketball court instead of waiting for him so Liv had someone to talk to, and she seemed very happy to do so. 

I'm glad Liv is making friends again. After... that happened, people started treating her like glass. Careful not to say simple things like 'sister' or 'car' infront of her as if she would break into a ball of tears. 

Now she has the chance to make friends before they find out the trauma she endured, and see her for who she is, not what happened to her. 

Because, when you suffer from a trauma, your life changes. Everything you knew, you look at in a different light, from a different point of view, from different experiences. 

I hated how much my little sister changed after that trauma. 

She used to be a sweet bubbly girl, the one that would make the younger ones smile and giggle at her playfulness. Now she's polite...ish, blunt, broken. 

But just because you are broken doesn't mean you can't be fixed. 

And that's my job as her older brother. I'm the only brother she has ever know, which means I am the one she trusts the most. I will do anything for my little sister. 

She's the only little sister I have left...

The teacher finally looked up from her desk and motioned to the door of the classroom, signalling we can go. 

I wasted no time in leaping from my seat and barrelling down the halls of the school towards the gym, Andrea chuckling at my eagerness. 

"Other corridor!" He yelled, making me groan and sprint in the opposite direction. 

Eventually I made it to the gym, where the basketball team were packing the basketballs away as it was the end of practice. But I didn't care about them, my focus was Liv. 

I scanned the room, till my eyes landed on my little sister. However, instead of being with Nina like I expected, she was with Logan. 

Now, by all means, my sister can make her own choices. She is her own person. If she wants clothes, no matter how revealing, I will buy them for her. If she wants tattoos, I will take her to get them done safely, the same with piercings. If she wants to dye her hair I will buy her the box. I will respect her privacy. If she wants to get high, I will give her a full blown lecture, get the drugs from a guy I know -which I will not further explain- and supervise her, and she isn't getting more than weed. Even dating, as long as I know them, and they pass my tests, boy or girl, then I am okay with it. 

But I don't know this fucking guy.

"Liv!" I called out from the other side of the gym. "Come on!" 

I watched as she said something to him, and how he laughed, and he said something to her, which she smiled at, before hugging! And then she came over here. 

"What was that about?" I said as soon as we left the gym. 

"We were talking about our legs." She shrugged, a smile set on her face. 

"Explain a bit more before I cut his legs off." I say, jaw clenched so hard I might actually chip a tooth. 

"He was asking how my knee was, I said I still have the knee of an old woman, he told me he remember when his leg was that bad." Liv explained, a fond smile on her face. 

"What happened to his leg?" I questioned. 

"He didn't say." She replied.

By now we were at the car outside, where Andrea had his arms around Nina's waist as they hugged against the car. 

When he saw me coming, he held out the car keys and me and Liv got inside. A few minutes later, the basketball team came outside, and our brothers climbed in the car while Ian said bye to Liv and me before walking off with Nina. 

The drive home was filled with questions from Leo and Andrea who asked how our days went at a new school. I barely replied, but Leo insisted on answers so I walked him through every lesson of the day. 

And he actually paid full attention, never interrupting me. 

He's sweet. 

We arrived at the over the top mansion once again. The guards let us inside once they made sure it was us inside. 

Mafia bullshit. 

When the car pulled to a stop, we all piled out and went inside. When we got there, Giovanni, Vito and Rina were already by the front door. 

"How was school?" Rina asked with a giant smile on her face as she hugged Liv and I. 

"Good." I shortly replied, ignoring the stares I was getting from Vito and Giovanni, the same ones the rest of my brothers have been giving me all day. 

"It was good. I've got all my lessons with Ian. He's a lot of fun, a bit annoying but in a good way-" Eventually, Liv's voice got quieter and quieter until we couldn't hear her anymore. Rina had guided her out the room and towards Liv's bedroom, making sure she didn't see the gazes the others had on me. 

"Teodoro, I think it's time we talk." Giovanni said from the doorway connecting to the living room. 

"I think so too." I said, giving him a stern glare. 

I followed him out of the hallway and towards his office, the others trailing behind. Each step I took all I could do was glare at the back of Giovanni's head. 

All these years and he didn't even recognise me...

We arrived at his office, and he led us all inside. 

I sat in the chair opposite the fire place, while he sat on the couch opposite, Vito next to him, and the others scattered themselves around the room. All eyes were set on me as they gave me questioning looks. 

"Would you like to explain how you know about the mafia?" Giovanni questioned. 

"Would you like to explain how you failed to do a background check on my mother, your wife?" I resorted. 

It was as if something clicked in his head. 

His eyes widened as he looked me up and down in shock. 

After all these years, he figured it out...

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