Love can be laughter

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Family is something that can help you put yourself back together. They're the pillars that hold us up in the cruel world.

Everyone has two families. They have the blood relation, just some shared DNA that comes hunting for organs when in need to replace their own. The ones that can mould you into another drunk or druggie or slut who has no real purpose

Then there is the people you choose to be your family. In many, those people also fall into the category of sharing DNA, and can be lovely people who you occasionally punch. And there's your friends. The people who were there for you when no one else was.

In times of need, you find out who your true family is; who you can count on.

"Theo." I whispered. When he didn't respond, I tried shaking his body. He was sprawled out like a starfish, hugging me tightly to his chest as if I was his only link to the world we live in.

His soft brown hair was laid fluffy on his forehead, shielding the world from his bright green eyes. His breathing was annoying and his face kept scrunching like he was going to sneeze.

That's when I smacked him.

"What! Liv! You okay!?" He panicked as his eyes darting around the bedroom.

But when the sting of the slap kicked in, and his eyes caught mine, the glare was deadly.

Knowing what his act of revenge would be, I sprang up from on top of his strong hold and bolted off of the bed.

I wasted no time in sprinting down the stairs after I flung open my bedroom door, looking for a place to hide from the tickle monster.

Before I knew it, I was in the kitchen with a "fuming" Theo after me. I didn't even realise that Gio and Vito were in the room till I heard Vito shout over my screaming laughter,

"Liviana! What's with all the screaming?"

I stopped in my tracks as I heard Vito raise his voice. He always remains quiet and daring. Like a dangerous presence that filled the aura of the house. But at this moment and time, I wasn't afraid of him.

It was oddly...nice.

But before I could respond, I saw Theo still charging towards me. So for some reason, I though my safest spot would be in the arms of my oldest brother.

Vito himself.

He caught me like I weighed nothing and gave me a puzzled look.

Then Theo took this as his advantage and started to tickle my feet that were hanging in the air and the back of my knee.

My screams of laughter echoed through the room until Gio shouted.

"Theo! Stop!" Theo did so momentarily, but an evil smirk crawled on his face as he saw Gio stand up with his own replica.

Turning me so I was directly in front of them, Vito tightened his hold on me, not to hold me, but to keep me still.

I regret my decision of trusting him.

I was then devoured in tickles from Gio and Theo who had made my eyes water from laughing so much.

I was laughing so much I thought I would explode.

I was laughing so much I thought all my trouble had left me.

I was laughing so much I felt at peace.

But all good things must come to an end.

When my teary eyes cleared up after Theo and Gio stopped their brutal attack, I looked at the kitchen island to see Andrea, Rina and Leo stood there with smiles stretching ear to ear.

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