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Sorry there hasn't been an update in a while, I was busy all weekend and had no time to write at home or at lunch. :)

The walls were still the dark green I remember. The bed that stood in the centre of the room, covered with fresh sheets, remained unslept in for over two years. Framed photos I had lined across the shelves and cabinets had no dust, being regularly cleaned by the maids of the mansion.

The white desk still contains junior year homework, all complete besides the maths. The spinny chair was tucked underneath, the ink marks of my exploded pen still staining the fabric.

"These are cute." I heard Xavier's voice from behind me.

Turning to look at him, he was sat in the bay window where I had left him, playing with the numerous stuffed animals and teddies I had lined against the window sill.

"My dad bought them for me." I tell him, watching as he played with Mr. Wiggles, my lion who's tail wiggled when you made him walk across the floor.

"All of them?" His voice was laced with surprise.

Who can blame him?

There's seventeen all together.

"Yeah, since I was a baby, he'd by me some for my birthday." I told him, offering my hand to help him stand up.

We left the hospital two hours ago, and with a bit of convincing, I agreed to move back into the mansion with my family.

On one condition; Xavier comes too.

It didn't take much convincing for them to agree; which was a surprise in itself. Gio and Vito were the only ones who needed an actual reason to let him stay, and even that didn't take very long.

With a groan, he took my small hand in his much larger one, and allowed me to help him stand up.

I guided him over to the bed. My original plan was to get him settled, and go get us food. Xavier's still on bed rest, so he's following the doctor's strict rules thanks to my even stricter rules and death threats.

But this plan failed to continue as instead of laying down and letting me grow, he dragged me down to the bed with him, his arrogant smirk on his face still.

"Xavier!" I whined as his arms circled around my waist, holding me closer and tighter to him.

"Yes?" His tone was innocent, but we both knew he was far from it.

"Let me gooooooo!" I pleaded, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

"No." Was his simple answer.

For the I was held in Xavier's arms, cuddling as he occasionally kissed the top of my head.

The doctor told him that it will be a week or two before his body is physically able to do day to day tasks again.

So, once Xavier is back to full health, or a certain amount since he wasn't exactly an angel before he was kidnapped, I'm getting his ass on a plane.

To Spain

What Xavier doesn't know is, I've heard his nightmares about his family. About his sister.

I'm never mentioned it since before, I knew nothing of his family. He'd refuse to say what was bothering him back in the cell, and whenever I asked, I'd be immediately shut down.

But now I do know.

I know the reasons behind him shouting in his sleep, the reasons for the tears that escape his eyes when he wakes, the reasons why he has the name Gloria tattooed on his chest.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked, watching as his face consorted into different expressions.

He let out a small sigh, before glancing down at me, "I got a call today."

I nodded my head, willing him to continue, "My mother found out about me getting shot."

His mother?

"She didn't even know I was free from capture, still thinking I was taken by our enemies. Then she found out I had been shot... let's just say she was a bit panicky."

"What did you tell her?" I asked, happy at the growing smile on his face.

"I told her I was safe, and that I'm regaining my strength."

My heart dropped slightly, he didn't mention me when talking to his mother.

"I also told her I met an amazing girl, who is dragging my ass back to Spain the moment I'm ready."

A smile broke out on my lips, my heart warming at the fact he told his mother about me. Not in full detail too, which means I get to make my own impressive impression.

I wonder what she'll look like? I'm assuming she'd look like Xavier. With his curly black hair and deep brown eyes. However, I also think she'd be very short.

You know, like intimidatingly short mother short.

And her personality, I reckon she'd be sweet and kind when she wanted. When necessary though, she'd be the devil in disguise.

And if we're in Spain, there's a good chance I'd meet his brother also.

Personally, I picture him as an exact replica of Xavier, just with different tattoos and facial expressions.

I think he'd be a bit of an ass. Rude and cold to everyone around him. I only assume this because when you lose someone, you can become one of two people, kind and caring with a very short temper, or rude and cold with high expectations.

And Xavier is very clearly the first one,

"It'll be dinner soon." I told him, letting my head rest on his chest.

"And more time with Giovanni." The sigh Xavier let out was playful, yet tired.

I don't blame him, Gio has been giving Xavier 'the dad' looks whenever we're together.

There was a gentle knock at the bedroom door, I called for them to come in as I lifted my head from Xavier's chest.

Poking her head inside, Rina smiled at the two of us. Then she awed when she saw the position we lay in.

"Yes Rina?" I smirked as she said nothing, gushing at the two of us.

"One sec." She told me, pulling out her phone and taking a picture of the two of us.

The pictures showed me holding onto Xavier like a koala, head resting underneath his chin, arms wrapped around his back and legs entangled with his.

One of his thick, muscular, tattooed arms wrapped around my waist, and the other stroking my hair on my head. His chin resting above my head, looking down at me with nothing but adoration and love dancing in those deep brown eyes.

"Rina." Xavier says, catching her attention and bringing it away from the photo on her phone.

"Oh right, Xavier, Vito wants to see you in his office before dinner. Liv, Andrea wants you downstairs to do your secret recipe thing to the chicken." She told us.

I snuggled closer to Xavier in protest, causing Rina to laugh and Xavier to kiss my forehead.

"Come on." Xavier groaned, lifting himself up off of the bed in the middle of the room.

Me still being attached to him.

He carried me down the hall towards Vito's office, Rina wondering off into her own.

He set me down as he stood outside the door of doom.

"I'll be okay." He spoke, determination set on his face.

"I know you will." My brows furrowed in confusion.

"I was talking to myself." The look on his face showed his nerves.

Letting out a small chuckle as he hesitated to knock on the door, I brought my hand forward and did it myself. I ran off, leaving Xavier in a state of shock and playful betrayal as I left him standing outside the opening door of my scariest brother's office.

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