Girl Talk

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"To be fair, I've been with my dad for the past month and Ian went back to Ireland, so there wasn't exactly a lot of time to tell them everything. Especially from the trauma." Callie said as she sat on the edge of my bed in the hotel room.

"Bitch! Don't pull the trauma card on me! I invented that!" I laughed as I stared back at her.

"Oh fuck you and your shitty childhood!" She laughed back, both of us left in fits of giggles.

"But seriously, why's Ian back in Ireland?" I asked once we calmed down, both of us red in the face from our hysterics.

"His parents want him back home, he's becoming a godfather to his little cousin, but he's being forced to return early since... you know... not seeing his family in over two years." She answered, a smile still gracing her lips.

"Isn't he already godfather to four other kids?" I questioned as I thought back to his very large family tree.

"You know the Irish, majority of them are catholic and pro life. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up opening a fucking orphanage." Callie joked back.

"True, but who the fuck would trust Ian with their kids. The guy once got his socks and gloves mixed up." I replied, remembering that awkward morning at school.

This is the first time I've seen Callie since we escaped. She's been so busy spending time with her dad, and I've been killing Russians and staying in hospital with Xavier.

"So, how did you guys escape?" She finally asked the question I'm sure everyone is dying to know.

"I snapped the neck of the guard who brought us food, and in his pocket he had a grenade. I used his keys to get the chains off of Xavier, and then threw the grenade in the hall and it blew off the cell door.

Xavier took his AK47 and I took the other guard's one since he was killed in the blast. We shot our way out of there at night so there was less guards then stole a car and drove to Xavier's warehouse filled with guns."

She sat there momentarily stunned. We used to spend months devising plans to escape that hell hole, and Xavier and I managed to get out alone, without a set plan in place.

"How come you guys only managed to get out after Ian and I were taken?" She questioned as she took a sip of the red wine in her hand, her black nails making a beautiful contrast.

"Alexi took all of his best guards to the ball, all we needed was some weapons and more motivation to get out really." I shrugged, leaving out the part where Alexi told us of his plans to kill them and our families before leaving, giving Xavier and I all the will we needed to escape and succeed.

"That makes sense." She replied, laying down on her back and looking up at the ceiling of the hotel room.

"Do you ever miss it?" I heard Callie whisper after a few minutes.

"What?" I laid down next to her, resting one arm behind my head, propped up on a pillow and smoking my cigarette, taking her glass and having a sip myself.

"The cell, the warehouse." She clarified.

"Why do you think I started smoking?" I rhetorically quipped back.

If I know one thing for sure about that place we were held, it's that everyone there breathed cigarettes, blood and torture.

"It was basically our home for two years." She sighed.

"Yeah, and I met Xavier there."

"And I met-"

She shut herself up real quick, but not quick enough.

She already had my attention.

"You met?" I continued.

"I met Maxim." She said in a deadly quiet tone, a fond smile on her face.

I thought back to all our time at the warehouse; trying to remember a Maxim.

"Who?" I couldn't.

"Maxim is Alexi's son." She answered.

Oh shit!


Did I kill him?

"He's still alive." I guess after years together she can read me like an open book. "He contacted me the day his father's body was found; he said thanks by the way."

I just nod my head in acknowledgment.

But she stayed silent, a smirk on her face.

"Oi bitch!" I joked, smacking her arm and climbing on top of her as she tried to block me, "don't leave me hanging on that mystery!

What's he like?! Is he fit?! Have you two been together outside?! How big!?"

We both broke into hysterics after she caught my wrists, realising I was basically sat on top of her.

"He's sweet, and kind, and extremely soft.

He's a little on the lanky side but he's got some muscle, he has light blonde hair and green eyes,he's also really pale, but that's cause he spends all his time inside reading.

We've been together outside, really just a book store then his cottage and read by the fireplace. We did that a few times, and it was really intimate, which leads me to answer your next question of:

saying all lanky boys have big dicks is a major understatement."

She sat there smirking smugly, sipping away at her wine at the sight of my impressed face.

"Well... congratulations on the dick!" I cheered as I took a drink of wine from the almost empty bottle.

"So what about you and Xavier?" Callie asked as she took the cigarette from between my fingers and into her own.

"Well, before my idiotic brother shot him, things were really good." I started, "we spent all day either at the mall, at the cinema, at the hotel and going out and having dinner at a restaurant."

Xavier being the hopelessly cliché romantic he is, demanded we make up for a year of dating. Or in his words, '392 days of dating to be precise'.

So after we killed Alexi, he took me back to New York and to the Empire State Building, the place I told him I wanted my first kiss.

Then he found us a hotel that wasn't under any mafia, and let me pick the room.

There we made up for a lot of lost...couple time.

He even ordered room service and candles to have a real candle light dinner like he pretended back in the cell. And if I wasn't tired, we'd go out to a restaurant and have a night out.

We even went clubbing a few times, and he never let me go once when I was there.

That dress really did make me look hot.

"And the size?" She questioned.

"It's not just lanky guys with big dicks." I smirked.

We both burst out laughing, still sharing the cigarette between us.

She reached over and opened a new wine bottle, pouring both of us a glass.

"A toast!" She declares, "to freedom from captivity!"

"And to big dicked boyfriends!"

We both cheered, laughing as we down our drinks.

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