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I followed Luca outside, watching as he told the guard to open the gate. I did my best to keep up with him, but he is a lot taller than me and has much stronger legs.

He waited for my until I was out of the gate, then he took off again.

"For god sake hurry up!" He seethed as he stood at least three metres infront of me.

"Sorry I don't walk like I'm fucking Sonic." I sassed as I eventually got to his side.

"For fuck sake, get on." He told me as he faced away and bent down to my height.

With slight hesitation, I climbed on his back. He had a hold of my legs which I wrapped around him, along with my arms around his neck. Then he piggybacked me to where ever we are going.

He walked us down to a little shop a few streets away, set me down and walked inside, me following after.

"Get what you want." he told me, heading straight to the alcohol section.

He's underaged the idiot-

Deciding that if he was going for what he wanted, of age or otherwise. Why can't I.

I went straight to the fridge, picking up a green original, lemonade, and pipeline punch monster drinks. Then I went to the sweet isle, I picked up: Nerds, Gobstoppers, Sour patch kids, Skittles, Galaxy caramel, and M&Ms.

Once I got everything, I saw that Luca was stood behind me, a 'really' look on his face.

"You said get what I want." I shrugged, glancing at the bottles of tequila in his hand.

"Tell dad and I'll cut your throat in your sleep." He warns, a dead glare set on his face.

"Not before I castrate you." I glare back.

Luca just gulps and grabs my shoulder, directing me to the counter. He paid for our things, and he didn't get asked for an ID, but he wasn't happy at the fact I wanted energy drinks but bought them anyway.

We left the shop, and Luca carried the white bag full of sweets. He walked at a slower pace than last time, allowing me to keep up.

"I dont understand," He starts, eating away at a packet of Doritos he bought. "why you want to study French at school when you spent most of your life in France."

"What about it do you not understand?" I asked, opening one of my monster cans.

"You're already fluent in the language, so why study it?" He asks, still not looking at me.

"It's an easy A. Plus French means something to me." I reply.

"Fair enough if it means something to you. But don't add it into your school work, because teachers will take it away from you and make it into what they want." He begins. "And never go for the easy way. You're a Vitale, nothing in our life is easy, so don't bother trying to make it so."

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" I questioned, glancing at him with an empty face.

"I don't care. But when you get used to taking the easy way and then something gets too difficult, I don't want you coming to me with your problems." And he's back.

"Why did you take me to get shit from the shop?" His glare hardened slightly at my choice of language, but didn't say anything.

"Vito told me to, said you deserved some sweets." He said.

With a sigh, we continued our way home. Eventually we got to the gates, and the guards let us inside.

"Come on." He told me, walking up the stairs. I followed after him, till he opened my bedroom door.

"Why are you going in my room?" I asked, my voice raised slightly at his lack of respect for my privacy.

"Shut up." He groaned, annoyance dripping from his tone.

I watched as he lifted my mattress, and took all of my sweets out the bag. But what shocked me more was he had bought 10xs the amount I thought he did. He put them all spread out under the mattress, then put the mattress back down.

"There, now you have a hidden stash. Don't tell anyone." He said, warning me as he left me there stunned. I followed him with my eyes as he left the room as if he did nothing.

Why has my asshole brother given me a secret stash of sweets? And why did he hide them for me? He hates me!

Once I came back to my senses, I went over to my desk and opened up my MacBook again. The same MacBook Luca got me...

Maybe he does care?

I spent the next few hours coding. But I hacked onto the FBI timetable and found something that has been itching at the back of my mind since I saw it.

Search Warrant: Currently being authorised

Search Set for: Sunday 29th September 2021

Location: 4827 South Lane

Investigation of illegal activities: Drugs, Gun running, Arms Dealing. Possible Relations to Italian Mafia.

Deciding it meant nothing, I just shrugged it off.

I was about to log onto another warranted search, labelled, V V Mansion, but a knock at the door interrupted me.

"Come in!" I called out.

I watched as Vito walked through the door, his usual emotionless expression on his face.

"Hi Liv." He said as he sat down on my bed.

"Hi." I responded, "Did you need anything?"

"Just coming to see how your day with Luca was, making sure he wasn't an asshole or something like that." He said as he turned his body to face me, yet his ironed suit didn't crease at all as he did so.

"It was fine, he was... weirdly nice." I replied as I closed my laptop slightly.

"Okay then. Dinner will be ready in half an hour, Dad, Rina and I won't be there due to an issue at work. Be in bed by 9:30, asleep by 10:30." He instructed as he gave me a small smile.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." I told him as I reciprocated his smile, a little larger than the previous one.

I watched as he stood up and walked across my white carpeted bedroom towards the door.

"Oh! And thanks for making Luca take me to get sweets." I said as I gave him an appreciative smile.

"Liviana," He said, his smile widening slightly, "I told Luca to do no such thing."

I sat there confused as he left my bedroom.

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