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"For God sake boy, let her go!" Gio said in an annoyed yet happy tone as he stood in the foyer of the house. 

"Seriously, you're crushing my organs." I breathed out, trying to release myself from his deadening grip. 

"No!" Luca protested as he squeezed me tighter. 

And this is the guy who hated me when we first met...

"Luca, we need to leave." Xavier sighed as he once again tried to pry my brother's arms from around me. 

"Fine." He mumbled disappointed. 

I let out a breath of air, happy to be able to consume oxygen once more, only for Luca to come running back at me, kissing me on the forehead while muttering 'one more'. 

Laughing after his twin, Leo followed after Luca who had a frown on his face. Rina left with them, not before giving me a hug and saying how we need to have a girls day when she returns, stating how little sister bonding time we have had together.

Gio, Theo and Andrea were outside, helping the others load up the SUV with their luggage. 

Now it was just Vito, Xavier and I. 

"Te amo mi querida, te llamaré cuando pueda" Xavier muttered in my ear as he leaned down into a hug. As always, butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I heard him tell me he loved me. 

(I love you my darling, I'll call you when I can)

"Yo también te amo, y es mejor que respondas o que todos vuelen allí abajo y te pateen el yo mismo." I whispered back in his ear, before kissing the side of his neck, then letting him go. 

(I love you too, and you better answer or all fly down there and kick your ass myself.)

"Why am I not surprised?" Xavier chuckled. 

He checked to make sure we were alone, which we were as Vito was in the next room, before leaning down and placing his soft lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss, nibbling at his bottom lip for him to open up his mouth. He did so, but took control immediately, his tongue dominating mine before I even had the chance to challenge. His hands held a firm grip on my hips while mine tangled in his thick black hair, pulling at it slightly, enjoying how he groaned in response.  

Eventually I had to pull away, hearing his whines in protest as I did so. "I'll see you in a week." I whispered to him. 

"One last thing," He said. Taking a hand off of my waist, he reached into his back pocket, before pulling out a small silver key, "Here."

"What's this for?" I questioned as I held it in my hand. 

"Figure it out." He smirked before pulling away. 

I smiled after him as I watched him walk out the door, the silver chain around his neck catching the light. On one chain was his cross, something he has worn for as long as I have known him, but the second one, was one I gave him last night. It was my silver band diamond decorated ring. 

My hand subconsciously went to the chain around my neck, a silver and black band ring on a silver chain. Last night we gave each other one of our rings, that way, we'll always be together since this is our first time apart. 

A throat clearing broke me out of my thoughts as I watched Xavier walk away. I turned my head in the direction of the person, to see Vito stood behind me. 

"He treats you good." Vito stated as he looked where Xavier had disappeared behind a tree in the garden infront of the cars. 

"Yeah... he does." I smiled, glancing back at my oldest brother. 

"We'll be fine, Carlos won't hurt us when he hears what I have to say." Vito told me, before opening his arms up to me. 

Hesitantly, I walked forward and excepted his hug. It was one of the very few hugs Vito and I have ever shared together. His cold and emotionless aura always prevented him from showing how much he cares in public. 

"Just, make sure you all get home safe." I told him. 

"Always." Vito replied, kissing my forehead before pulling back. 

I watched as he walked through the front door, not before stopping and turning around, "I love you Liviana."

Once I got over my shock, I responded, "I love you too."

Ten minutes later, everyone was packed up and leaving the estate through the iron gates,  all of them waving from the window like maniacs. Leo actually stopped the car because he and Luca wanted one last hug and kiss off of me. 

But what disturbed me most, was that Gio was crying as they left. 

"Gio, it's okay you know. They'll be fine." I comforted him, while Andrea and Theo stood there stunned. Neither of them had ever seen him this emotional over something so small. 

"I know, it's just... doesn't matter." He smiled down at me, kissing the top of my head before heading inside with Theo.

I really need to grow, people keep kissing my head. 

"You've noticed it too, haven't you?" I asked Andrea. 

"Yeah, I'm fucking worried about him." Andrea responds as he wraps and arm around my shoulder. 

"Is that your personal opinion, or your therapist opinion." Turns out, while I was kidnapped, Andrea had studied phycology in collage, and is now licenced to practice. 

But he decided to go to University to continue his medical studies while Nina was still at Law School. 

"Both." He sighed.

"You think he's sick?" I questioned worriedly.

Looking down at the ground, a frown formed on his face as he slowly nodded his head. 

Is Gio sick?

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