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"And he was soooo hot, like melting your eyes hot, like the sun hot, like earth shatteringly-"

"Mr Bennet, would you like to answer the question on the board?" Mrs Wilson said in a snarky tone as she interrupted Ian's description of this guy he saw at the mall.

He's been talking about him for the past fifteen minutes, after he told me he was bi. Completely ignoring the maths teacher as he did so.

"Um, no thanks." He replied after analysing the board, his eyes widening it every number he read.

"How about you Miss Vitale?" She turned her gaze to me, a glare set on her face.

"Yes, B=2 I=66 T=92 C=1 H=5. Are you sure this is a maths question and you're not spelling out your name?" I respond with the same glare on my face.

I swear she was so mad, if she were a cartoon, they're be steam coming out of her ears and her face as red as a tomato.

But the saying, saved by the bell, could not be more appropriate as the bell went off, and I bolted out the classroom with Ian hot on my tail.

"My god she is such a bitch!" Ian shouted as we went down the corridor towards our lockers.

"I know, she's clearly not getting any." I commented as I opened my locker and flung my bag inside.

"Not with a face like that." He added, causing us both to break into fits of laughter.

We calmed down as we went inside the cafeteria. Once we were inside, we took a seat beside Callie and Alex.

It's been a week since my first day at school, and things have been going really good with making friends. Especially since me and all my brothers are in the same friend group.

Callie and I have the boy talk relationship. She tells me about all the boy gossip, and we discuss who we thinks hot or sweet or an absolute player.

Nina and I have a similar relationship to me and Rina. Like, I trust her to an extent, and think she's amazing for Andrea. Plus she's obsessed with Friends so we bond over that a lot.

Alex and I have a brother sister relationship, but he's not overprotective like my actual brothers. He's helped me find my way around more times then I can count, and sometimes keeps me company at basketball practices that I'm forced to go to.

Jake's quiet. Incredibly quiet. But when he's comfortable and talking, he's really sarcastic and lovable. He's best friends with Miles, who told me that he's sweet till you piss him off. Apparently that's when you run for the hills.

Miles is weird. Literally full time, 24/7 crazy, high as a kite weird. For example, last Thursday he used hairspray to make his hair stand straight on his head, and then used it to hold flash cards in his hair. He literally had WW2 history information stored in his hair.

Logan's been fun. We spent lunch last Friday in the library making all the spines of the books in the mystery section face the shelf, so you had no idea which book was what till you pulled it out. He's got a flirty personality which causes my brothers to glare at him more often than not.

Ian is my new best friend. He's really talkative and funny. He's also really open, which is a main reason he's so funny. Sometimes it feels like I'm with Megan again when I spent time with him. In the week that I've known him, I've come to trust him a lot. But...he is extremely protective, yet understanding.

Speaking of Megan, her and Josh are set to move to New York next month, and are hopefully coming to this school. We've been talking a lot more by text or on the phone. She's been making loads of jokes, dirty jokes, because's Megan. And Josh has been scolding her and then asking me if I was okay and if he needs to kick any of my brother's asses. Including Theo.

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