Boss Bitch

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It's Saturday morning.

And just like every morning for the past week, there has been tension boiling throughout the house.

Ever since Monday evening when Rina thought she was a genius by guiding me away from our brothers and Gio as they took Theo for his interrogation, it's been tense.

I have no idea what happened, why it happened, or what they talked about, but now there is a tension so bad it could cause an earthquake.

At this moment, we are all sat at the table in the kitchen, eating our breakfast in silence.

Theo and Gio were at my side, since I'm the youngest, apparently I need adult supervision to chew my food or something childish and petty like that.

I hope whatever happened gets resolved quickly because this is just annoying now.

"Okay! What the hell is going on?" I asked as I drop my utensils. Dramatically might I add because well... it's me.

"Language." Vito scolded.

"Sorry, my apologies. Let me rephrase. You three." I say, pointing towards Gio, Vito and Theo. "Sort your shit out because the tension in the room is fucking unbearable! I don't care what Theo's done! He'll probably do a lot fucking worse in future so get over it!" I say before picking up my knife and fork again and angrily cutting up my eggs

Everyone just sat there stunned.

"Liviana you don't understand-"

"Talk to him not me." I say, interrupting Gio and pointing at Theo again.

In return, Gio gave me a glare, daring me to interrupt him again.


"Nope!" I said again, pointing between him, Theo and Gio before standing up, the others following with me in silence, before taking our plates to the dishwasher.

"You three are not leaving this table until you come to an understanding. Understand?"

They sat in silence for a moment, non of them actually looking me in the eye.

"I asked, do you understand?" With that, they all muttered 'understood'.

I nodded my head before leaving the room and sitting in the attached living room, keeping an eye on them but out of ear shot, not wanting to be nosey.

"Boss bitch moment!" Leo cheered, arms in the air in celebration as he walked into the foyer and up the stairs, a smirking Luca behind him.

"This is why women are superior!" Rina added as she went to the corridor leading to the offices, no doubt having work to do.

There are different types of pain. There's different levels of it too. There's emotional, physical, mental, and so much more. Then there's an ache, or some tension, then there's complete agony.

This girl has experienced all three at different points in her life, some even at the same time.

The little girl used to be a bubbly, energetic child. Her daily routine consisted of hikes in the mountains or swimming in lakes. Sometime she just went into the city and shopped with her friends.

But when a disaster occurs, this changes who she became. A shattered soul that is fighting for survival. A collapsed lung that is fighting to breathe. A heart that's fighting to circulate blood around the body.

However, that is not the only job the heart does. It loves, it learns, it survives. Everything it does powers the body to function, the mind to operate, and the soul to expand.

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