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"Theo! Where are we going?" A young Liviana asked me, her little legs struggling to keep up with my taller frame.

"To meet my friends." I replied, taking her tiny hand in my own to help her walk with me.

"Did you tell mom and dad?" She asked, glancing back at our villa where the guards stood by the doors.

"Yeah." No

But they won't care, thinking we have the guards with us. Plus it's date night, so they're...busy.

"Are they coming with us?" She questioned as she looked at the guards stood by the gate.


"But mom and dad said we need them." She tells me, her big green eyes staring up at me in confusion.

"We'll be fine petite soeur. I won't let anyone hurt you." I coo, brushing some of her brown baby hairs out of her face.
(Little/baby sister)

I guided her out the gates of the villa, wandering down the streets towards the skatepark by the edge of the city.

"Theo! Who's this pretty lady?" Riley said, a welcoming smile on his face when he saw Liv beside me.

She shuffled backwards to hide behind my leg, causing Riley and the other guys, Lyam and Timmy, to awe and coo at her.

"Go on then, introduce yourself." I encouraged, moving away so she could see them all.

"I'm Liviana Mayers." She spoke quietly.

"Well Liviana, I am Timmy, that is Lyam, and that is Riley."

"Come on then, let's show you how to skate." I told her, watching as her little smile lit up her face as she jumped in excitement.

That afternoon, the four of us spent hours teaching Liv how to skate.

When she fell, she got right back up and on the board again.

For hours, that's all we did.

Just me teaching my nine year old sister what she later began to love.

Unlike most nights, the skatepark was empty this evening.

There's no teenagers using the ramps or steps. No friends sat listening to music.

It was just empty.

Like me.

I came here tonight to try and feel like myself again, doing what I loved as a child.

But it's just not the same without Liv.

After that day when she was nine, she'd always come with me and the guys to the skatepark.

They all loved her, watching her try and try over and over again till she got it right was adorable to them. And I found myself feeling proud, whenever she fell off, she got right back up.

"Where are you?" I whispered to myself as I looked down at the Arctic Monkeys decorated skateboard in my hand.

Her skateboard.

I got this for her with the money mom and dad gave me for Christmas when she was ten.

She said that now she knew how to skate, she deserved her own board.

Since the night of the mafia ball, there has been no word from the Russians. They didn't even acknowledge their leader's death.

They've been silent.

Peaceful even.

But we all know that saying; calm before the storm.

I have my own idea of what really happened to Alexi.

I know for sure a sniper was involved, but I don't know who shot it.

I know there was a woman there with him, but I don't know who.

And I know, that no Mafia is allowed weapons inside of Washington. So they've got to have impeccable aim to shoot from at least five miles away.

"I think it was you." I state, talking to no one yet someone in particular.

"I think you got someone to kill him the moment you could, whether you were there or where you've been for the past two years, you got someone to kill him the moment Ian and Callie were taken away from you."

"I think you're safe now. You're somewhere no one can find you and you have a good reason why. You're doing it for our protection, to keep all of us safe from whatever is putting you in danger."

I stood in silence as I looked around the pitch black skatepark, the only light coming from the street lamps outside.

There was no movement besides the rise and fall of my chest as I breathed the cold November air.

I was about to leave, till my phone dinged from inside my pocket.

With confused eyes, I reach in and took it out of my pocket, watching the screen light up from my notifications.

Messages: unknown number.

You are right brother.

But don't worry, I'll be back soon.

She'll be back soon...

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