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Theo and I ran away from the house two days ago, and so far, my phone has been blowing up non stop with calls and messages from Leo, Rina, Vito, Andrea, Gio, and surprisingly Luca.

As soon as Theo and I arrived here, he took my phone while I went looking around the house. I saw him getting in the back of a van across the street, and come out a few minutes later and gave me my phone back.

The van drove off the second Theo's feet touched the ground, and then when I was heading up to bed that night, I saw an SUV parked outside.

I didn't say anything to Theo about it, knowing he probably got a friend to drop it off for himself since it's what he's been using when he goes out.

I trust Theo though.

I know, that if he was in danger, or I was, he would tell me about it. So I haven't asked. It's clearly his business and he wants to keep it that way.

I've ignored all the messages they sent to me, and didn't answer any of the calls, knowing they'd probably find a way to track me.

I don't know how, but it's fairly obvious they have the resources to do so.

I don't trust them.

They're so secretive and weird.

It's like, every time I ask them a question about their work or why they have so much money, they freeze then change the subject.

They're so awkward about it you'd think it be something illegal.

I've missed the past two days at school, which caused Ian to message me on behalf of everyone in the friend group.

I wanted to go in, but I didn't want to see my brothers, so Theo just told me to stay at the house.

And if it weren't for how late he leaves on a morning, I would've thought Theo was going to school.

He leaves at noon then comes home at four o'clock.

He's doing something that he enjoys though, because he always comes home with a smile on his face. So I leave him to it.

That's the kind of relationship we have.

If we think the other one is in trouble, or hurt, or scared, we ask them about it. If they're fine, we leave them be and let them talk to us.

It's the kind of relationship where you can be a dependent-independent. Where you can lean on each other when you need to, and then just have a fun sibling bond when you don't.

Since we arrived, I started watching The Originals.

When I was living with Megan and Josh, we all watched and finished The Vampire Diaries together, so I decided to start watching The Originals.

I mean, look at them... Klaus, Elijah, even Hayley and REBEKAH!!!!

They're all my idols and I love them all so much.

And I haven't even finished the first season....

But once you get stuck on TVD and TO Tik Tok, it's hard to escape.

I put down the baguette I was eating, and picks up my phone once I was I had a notification.

Liv, you really need to go home. Luca got suspended for beating another senior up cause he's so angry!!!!! - IAN

Just tell them Theo and I are safe. Giovanni crossed the line and now he has to face the consequences-Me

I messaged Ian back as I munched away on the ham and cheese baguette Theo cooked me earlier.

He gave it to me before he left, all he said was 'business' when I asked him where he was going.

He's a fifteen year old high school kid.

What kind of business would he be doing???

Probably dealing drugs

Well... as long as he doesn't get caught and doesn't take them, I don't care.

I paused the tv, right on the best scene of season 1 Originals. Klaus taking down Marcel's army.

I took my plate off of the coffee table in front of me and went into the kitchen.

Rinsing off my plate, I looked outside to the beach in front of the house, to see men there.

They weren't staring at the house or anything like that.

But they did look suspicious.

Dressed in navy blue suits, a black shirt underneath. They had on polished shoes, while standing in the sand...

There was four of them, two on the left of the house, two on the right.

So... like any curious teen would.

I messaged Theo, telling him about the men, before cautiously walking outside.

Hiding the knife Theo used to cut the baguette up my sleeve, just in case.

I went to the two on the left, since they would leave me closer to the stairs so I could run back inside if I had to.

I went up behind them, and tapped the one closest to my on the back, before edging away.

"Yes Ms. Mayers?" He replied.

Ms. Mayers. No one has called me that since I moved in with my biological family. It's the name of my dad.

"Who are you?" I asked, glancing at the side to see the other two men watching us, yet making no moves.

"We have been sent as protection for you." He replied, in an American accent.

"Sent by who?" I continued.

"I am not at liberty to say Ms." he replied, still standing straight and tall like the other three men.

"Why do I need protection?" I questioned, glancing around slightly.

"I am sorry Ms Mayers, but I can not say." He relied.

"What about you? Can you say?" I asked, turning my gaze to the tanned man beside him.

"No." Was all he said. He said it so quick and so stern, I couldn't even hear an accent.

It was just neutral.

"So you guys are just gonna stand out here? All day?" I asked, eyeing all of them cautiously.

"Yes. We are under strict orders to keep you safe Ms. And to make sure the Vitale family don't come here. That is all I can say, now please go back inside."

Deciding there's no use questioning someone who wasn't going to say anything, I did as he asked and went back inside.

Who would send someone to protect me?

And why are they instructed not to let my biological family near me?

And why can't they tell me?

I locked all the doors and windows before flopping back onto the leather sofa.

I unpaused the tv and continued to watch the episode.

More and more quest running through my head.

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