Morning drama

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Now, I have to get dressed and ready for a day of hell. A day of torture. A day of never ending suffering.

Or as adults call it, school.

And to top it all off; there's a uniform.

But, I guess it could be worse? I'm starting the third week into a new school year.

I showered first, leaving me smelling like lavender and coconut. Then I did my hair, just leaving it in it's natural wavy curls. I applied a little lip gloss and waterproof mascara, before I was left with the demon;

The uniform.

And surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. A white blouse, a red tartan skirt that was just below mid thigh, tights, and a black blazer with the school logo sown on the front.

Shoes were optional as long as they were either black or white, so I chose some black Air Forces.

Once I was done, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast.

Gio was sat in the chair at the head of the table, a mug of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other, sitting their looking like a criminal mastermind.

Vito and Rina were talking about something in a different language, it must be Italian because I've heard mom talking in it before. She even tried to teach me some.

But I prefer French.

Leo, Luca and Andrea were dressed for school, except their uniform was a white shirt with a red and black tie and black slacks.

Luca and Andrea were talking about girls they've fucked I believe. And Leo was happily munching away on a slice of toast.

Theo trailed in slightly after me, wearing nothing but a pair of black joggers and messy brown hair.

"Why you dressed for church?" Theo asked as he saw  me stood at the kitchen island, buttering a bagel.

"I didn't realise church and school are the same thing." I state with a smirk. A smirk that only grew when the look of realisation emerged on his face, then he bolted up the stairs in a hurry.

"Idiota" Luca mumbled under his breath.

"Tais-toi connard." I relied, staring directly at him.

"What does that mean?" He asked, glaring at me.

"If only you learnt French and not Italian." I chuckled as I sat down.

He continued glaring at me while I sat and ate my breakfast, even when Theo came back downstairs, his tie loose and blazer hanging off of his shoulders as he grabbed a piece of toast.

"Theo, Liviana, what subjects do you both take?" Rina asked as she sipped her orange juice.

"Resistant materials, geography, Italian, and sport studies." Theo answered.

"What about English and maths and science?" Andrea asked with a confused expression.

"I take them too, but those are the ones I picked." Theo replied.

"Oh right, Liviana?" Rina continued.

"French, history, food technology and IT." I replied.

"You don't take French anymore, I've had it switched." Gio said from the end of the table.

"What! Why?" I practically yelled.

"Your Italian-American, I want you to learn the language." He shrugged as if it meant nothing.

"That's not fair! I have to learn a whole new language just because you want me to!" I actually did shout this time.

"Don't raise you voice at me!" Gio said in a demanding but calm tone.

"No! Fuck you!" I screamed before storming out of the room, tears glistening my cheeks.

I went out to the front of the house and sat in the black SUV that is meant to take us to school.

We were meant to leave in ten minutes anyway, school starts at nine o'clock.


I watched as my little sister stormed out of the kitchen with a frown on her little face.

The entire room was engulfed in silence as they all stared at the doorway of the kitchen.

"What was that about?" Vito asked as he turned to look at me, along with all the others.

"How should I know?" I knew exactly why, but I'm not keen on saying anything.

"You know exactly what that was about, I can tell by the look on your face, now answer the question." Was all Vito said, a deadly glare breaking out on his face.

I just sat there, debating on what to say, because there's no way I'm getting out of this.

With a sigh, I replied "We lived in France for the first few years of her life. Her first friends were there. We moved to California two years ago, but she always missed France. Dad would take her to loads of festivals and parties." I gave them the shortest explanation possible.

"Well, I'm sorry but it is important she learns Italian." Gio says with a grimace on his face, probably at the fact I called someone else dad.

"Personally I wouldn't want her hearing about your mafia business when your talking in Italian but... that's your choice I guess." I say before standing up and leaving the room.

All of them sat in shock as they watched me.

And I joined Liv in the car and hugged her as she let out small, silent tears.

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