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Lessons passed by quickly, until it eventually got to lunch. 

I walked into the cafeteria with Jake and Ian, turns out Ian shares all my lessons. 

"You're so adorable." Ian cooed as he squished my cheeks together. 

I've been glaring at him for the past five minutes since he stole all the purple skittles. 

"Fuck you." I said as I pushed his hand away, and walking off towards Callie and Nina who were already sat at the table in the middle of the lunch hall with Miles.  

"Is Ian always this annoying?" I said loudly, which just made him laugh at me. 

"Yes." They both replied.

"You're lucky, he's my little brother." Nina says as she takes a sip of her iced coffee I have no doubt she brought into school. 

"God that must be horrible." I say with a grin, but it turns into a glare as I look at Ian who just threw a piece of bread at me. Callie, Nina and I sat and talked for the next few minutes. Till the cafeteria went quiet; gone as the loud shouting and laughter.

"They're always so dramatic." Callie says rolling her eyes. 

Stood in the cafeteria doors was Leo, Luca, Andrea, Theo, Logan and Alex. While walking over to the table, all my brothers' eyes scanned it until they fell on me. 

Once they got here, Leo and Theo sat down next to me, since Leo pulled my chair away from Callie so his could fit inside. Andrea lifted Nina from hers and placed her on his lap, hugging her from behind, and Luca, Logan and Alex sat with Ian and Miles, who were on the other side of Theo. 

"How was lessons?" Andrea asked as he moved Nina's red hair from his face, which she kept putting there to annoy him. 

"Good, but the teachers are all twats." I replied, ignoring Andrea's glare at my choice of words. 

"Language." He scolds. 

"English." I reply with a smirk. 

He just rolls his eyes and turns his attention to Nina, and they began talking about something I paid no attention to. 

"Did anyone give you trouble?" Theo asks as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"No, I've been fine." I said. 

"Good." he says before ruffling my hair.

"Theo!" I shouted, smacking his hand away. 

Theo smacked my hand back, so I smacked his shoulder. Then he smacked my shoulder, so I smacked his head. He then smacked my head, so I kept slapping his head until I felt to arms grab my own and pull me backwards. 

Looking behind me, I saw it was Luca. I just glared at him as he dragged me to the other side of the table and sat me down in the chair beside him. 

"Stop glaring at me." Was all he said before dumping a chicken sandwich in front of me. 

"No." I said, picking up the sandwich and glaring at him while I ate. 

"Liv." Leo called out. 

"Yeah." I replied after I swallowed my food. 

"We have basketball practice after school so you're gonna have to wait for us." he said, passing a paper ball back and forth with Andrea who was sat on the other side of the table. 

"Fine." I said, before taking a sip of the drink that was in Theo's bottle which I stole. 

Once he saw what I was doing, he tried to snatch the bottle from me, but it was too late. As I took my first sip, I forced myself to swallow the rest of the bitter drink, trying not to pull a weird face. 

Who the fuck brings Gin to school in a Lakers bottle?

"You okay Liv?" Jake asks as he sees me pulling a half disgusted half normal face. 

"Fine." I get out in a strained voice. 

"What lessons do you have this afternoon?" Alex asks as he sits back in his seat.

"Maths and Physics." I replied with a frown. 

"Hey, at least I'm with you." Ian says as he gives me a side hug, ignoring the glare my brothers sent him. 

"Is it too late to drop out?" I said sarcastically. 

Everyone broke out into laughter as Ian sat in his seat pouting at his misery. 

It's now after maths and Ian and I are stuck in physics, where the teacher is going on and on about electric currents. 

Ian was telling me who was in which year group. Theo, Ian, Jake, Miles and Callie are in Junior year with me. While Leo, Luca, Andrea, Nina, Alex and Logan are Seniors. Sorry if this is wrong, I'm English so I'm not too sure.

"How longs left of this lesson?" I asked Ian for the billionth time. 

"Um, about thirty seconds." he said, already packing away his things, which I did not long after. 

Thirty seconds later, the bell went off and Ian and I bolted out of the classroom. We ran down the halls, beginning to race, till my knee started to ache so I slowed down to a walk. 

"Come on! You can run longer than that!" Ian whined as he walked back over to me. 

"Sorry, I can't." I said, looking down at the floor, hoping he wouldn't notice my frown. 

"Hey, what's wrong." He asked as he gently grabbed my chin to lift my head up. 

"Nothing." I mumbled, trying to walk away. 

"Liv, I get that I've only known you for a day, but you're my new best friend, so let me help you." He said in a stern but caring tone. 

"I have a bad knee, which means I can't over use it. That's all." I told him. 

"Okay then." he says, slinging his arm over my shoulder as we walked down the halls. 

"Come on, I'll take you to the basketball court to wait for your brothers." He says as he guides me outside towards the gym.

It wasn't long after we got to the stands of the basketball court, till the team came inside and started practice. 

Leo, Luca, Logan, Ian, Miles and Alex were on the team, and Andrea walked past me and said he had to go to a detention. 

Eventually, Nina came into the gym and sat down next to me. 

"Is it always this boring to watch?" I asked as I aimlessly watched the ball go from one player to another. 

"Yeah." She sighed, "Wanna watch something on my phone?" She asked as she wiggled her phone infront of my face with a grin. 

"Okay." I asked as I watched her open Netflix. 

"Friends?" She asked as she took out her airpods and offered me one.

"Yeah!" I said as I took it from her. 

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