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Sorry I'm not updating as much lately, I've been starting another book and Co-writing one with my friend so there's not been a lot of time.

I'm back a bit more now so there'll be more updates 😁


All my life, I've let myself feel for people.

Their emotions became my emotions. I've always been able to connect to them on some level, trying to understand how they are feeling so I can help them through whatever struggles they have the best I can.

That is also why I struggle to express myself to others. While I don't mind the feeling of people laying all their worries and troubles onto me, I feel the complete opposite;

A burden.

That's why I closed myself off, allowing only Theo to understand me, being a figure throughout my entire life so far, playing his older brother part. And Xavier, who has seen me at my weakest point and helped me overcome those traumas of my mind.

But in this moment, I laid myself bare to all those around me. Performing my misery and disperse like a dance infront of thousands of people inside of Wembley Stadium.

"-I am so sorry."

Those were the only words I heard from the doctors lips.

Losing people has become a frequent thing in my life, just like it would normally do when you grow older. But, like anyone who has lost someone, you never get used to the shock and agony you feel.

My eyes never left the bed in the centre of the hospital room, not even moving as the door closed and footsteps neared me.

"Liv?" I heard Megan whisper.

She, Josh and Jake arrived half an hour ago. Two hours after myself. Josh and Jake were currently with Andrea, trying to stop him from killing everyone inside the hospital.

Theo was shattering to pieces;

He refused to come back inside the hospital room, not wanting to see the bed. Callie was beside him, holding his head to her chest as he clung into her for dear life

"Liv..." Megan continued.

"Don't." My voice came out barley above a whisper.

I refused to believe it. I refused to believe that once again, I had lost another parental figure. That I had lost someone who meant more to me than words can say.

And I was robbed of the time to expand on that relationship.

Without saying a word, Megan took the seat beside me and wrapped her arms around my shoulder. Silently, I leaned into her embrace. Time and time again, Megan was the person who calmed me when Theo was unavailable. The practice she has in this area of my emotions was perfect for this specific moment.

"He died." I mumbled through the tears that were streaming down my cheeks.

"Yes." She answered. "He died."

Shaking in her arms, I let myself break down. Tears after tears continued down my tan face as Megan did all she could to comfort me.

I have lost my mother, than my dad, and then my father.

All three of my parents are gone, and I'll never see them again...

And through the entire ordeal, I stared at the empty hospital bed.

The bed where Gio was laid. The bed where I saw him unconscious and fighting for his life. The bed where he seized. The bed where the doctors called his time of death.

"Explain it to me." I muttered beneath the shaking in my voice.

"The doctor," Megan sighed. "Said that there is no explanation for the seizure. He assumes Giovanni hit his head during the heart attack, but won't know for sure until he is checked properly."

Nodding my head, I hugged her back just as tightly.

I need Megan's comfort.

A few minutes later, she was shouted for by Jake down the hallway. As she left, she kissed my cheek and let Josh take her place.

Josh however didn't hug me. He could sense it straight away.

I wasn't sad anymore; I was angry.

Grabbing the mug on the cabinet by the door, he handed it to me. As he leaned back against the wall, he crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

And waited.

And waited.


The mug shattered on the wall and spread across the flooring of the room. The then passed me another, and another, till it got to the point I was throwing anything he handed me without even realising what it was.

I threw and threw until I collapsed to my knees.

I laid in the mess on the floor next to the empty hospital bed. Josh didn't move though, he let me have my moment.

Staring at the floor with my dull green eyes, I let them wander the surface.

Till they landed on something that rose my curiosity.

Reaching out underneath the bed, I pulled out an almost empty needle.

The cap was off, and the liquid was dripping from the tip. The part that pushed the liquid inside the body had been snapped, as if it had been hit with a force so hard it broke it on impact.

"What's that?" Josh finally spoke once he saw me rise from the floor.

"A needle." I answered, examining it between my fingers.

The doctor said there was little explanation for the seizure...

"Get this to the autopsy room." I told Josh, handing him the needle.

"What? Why?"

"Because...I think someone used a poison to force Gio to have a seizure, knowing his body couldn't take it."

"Are you saying..."

"I think someone murdered him."

The Unknown Family जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें