The Key

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These past two and a half years, I've never spent a day without Xavier.

From the moment I met him, we were thrown into a world of torture and abuse. Then we had Ian and Callie with us, but they never saw how bad it really got.

When I first arrived, they never gave us a moment of peace. We were beaten for hours on end. Torn apart from inside out.

Then... that happened.

If I were with anyone else, I doubt I'd be doing the things I do with Xavier.

The fact that he experienced it too, there with me, gives me a sense of comfort and security while I'm with him.

Knowing he'd never do that to me, and I'd never do that to him.

It only happened once, as the people went behind the leader's back. Surprisingly, Alexi was against that kind of stuff, he believed we all had a choice in that sort of physical contact.

They were butchered when he found out what happened, he even let Xavier and I kill them.

Callie and Ian never got the full captivity experience.

For that, I am thankful.

"Do you have any idea what it's for?" Callie questioned.

"Maybe it's a key to his heart." Ian swooned. Callie and I turned to him, giving him that 'really?' Look.

"Maybe not." He grumbled disappointedly.

It's been two days since Xavier and the rest of my family flew out to Spain, and since then, I've been getting non stop 'I love you' and 'I miss you' messages from Xavier.

Today, Callie and Ian have come over to hang out. The second I showed them the key Xavier gave me with no explanation what so ever, we've been sat at the dining room table trying to figure it out.

Logan has been dropping by the house too, given he's my bodyguard. But he's currently doing some work for Theo, so he hasn't been around as much as the other would prefer.

"We're headed out!" Glancing into the foyer, I saw Andrea and Nina stood at the front door, his arm wrapped around her waist, kissing the side of her head.

"Bye, love you both!" Callie, Ian and I shouted back towards them.

"Be good. And Liv, no cake till after dinner." Andrea pointed his playfully stern finger at me, leaving me to chuckle as he left through the front door.

"What if it's a key to a storage locker, I mean, look at the numbers." Callie pointed out, turning the key over.

Engraved in the silver, was the numbers 2313. NY4

"Maybe... but what's NY4?" I questioned, studying the key for even more information.

"Perhaps it's a post code, you know, NY-New York" Ian answered already opening up his phone,

"Here, the post code for NY4 is 64th Street, where all the fancy apartment buildings are." Showing is the phone screen, there were extremely tall modern buildings across the 64th Street.

"Let go and have a look." Callie said, already standing up.

"Why?" I groaned, laying my head flat on the table.

"Because your boyfriend gave you a key and we are going to use said to key figure out what it opens, so get your lazy ass upstairs and dressed in some propped clothes."

With an overly dramatic sigh, I heaved myself up from my chair and trudged up the stairs to my bedroom, my dressing gown flowing after me like a Batman cape over my pyjamas.

I decided on a simple black crop top, with two strings of fabric going diagonal across the stomach, and a sweetheart neckline. I paired that up with some washed light blue jeans and a pair of leather boots.

Finishing off with my winged eyeliner, I brushed my hair into its wavy light brown curls, ending just above me elbow. My hair grows extremely fast.

Once I was done, I headed downstairs to see Ian playing FIFA on his phone, and Callie eating an orange. 

"Come on then." I smiled, grabbing the keys to my four seater Porsche.

Xavier doesn't want me getting a faster car since I'm new at driving, saying how he's worried I'll hurt myself. So, to make sure he doesn't have a heart attack, I've stuck with the Porsche.

You'd think a nineteen year old lad wouldn't worry so much.

We sang along to the radio, playing Arctic Monkeys, all the way to 64th Street.

Underneath every apartment building there was a parking space.

"Which one do you want to check out first?" Callie asked as she glanced in awe at all the tall buildings.

"I've googled all the buildings, only the three tallest buildings on the right side of the street go up to 2000 homes. It's got to be one of those three." Ian explained as he pointed towards three, sky high modern buildings to our right.

After trying the other two buildings, we wandered inside the last building.

The walls were an almost golden colour, the floors a patterned dark hard wood. There was a grand fireplace in the corner, where seats were spread out with a coffee table for anyone to sit there.

There was a corridor full of elevators, and then two stair wells. As you walked in, right in front of you was a receptionist desk.

This last building is a mix of a hotel and apartment building.

"Hello, welcome to the Calandros Hotel and Apartment building, how can I help you?" The blonde woman behind the desk smiled, eyeing Ian who shifted uncomfortably.

"My boyfriend gave me this key, and I was wondering if if was for an apartment or hotel room in this building." I explained, handing her the key while Callie started eating one of the complimentary apple off of the desk.

"Ma'am, those are fake." The receptionist frowned as Callie took a bite.

Choking slightly, she placed the bitten fake apple back in the bowl before coughing, "I know that now."

Ian and I stood there laughing at her, while the receptionist tried her best to keep it professional.

With the grin on her face.

She examined the key, then typed something into the computer.

"Can I see some identification please?" She asked politely.

Nodding my head, I handed her my drivers licence. My real one since I actually took the test to legally drive.

"Yes Miss Vitale. This is a key for the penthouse apartment. You will need this keycard," She handed me a silver coloured card, the apartment number labelled on the side. "And it has already been paid for. We are happy to provide assistance with moving any furniture and boxes up there for you."

"Thank you...Wendy." I smiled, glancing at her name tag before heading to the elevator.

Standing inside, there was a card slider for me to swipe, which I did instead of pressing a button.

The elevator began moving.

After a few minutes, the three of us were welcomed to a sight that could only be described in one word;


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