Mafia Ball

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"Where! Punch Is! Punch My! Kick Baby! punch Sister!"

I panted as the blood oozed from my knuckles, the recent wounds still healing.

Too many fights

Too much anger

Liv was the only person besides Lou and Jo that could calm me down.

"На складе!" He choked out, blood spilling from his mouth.

"ENGLISH!" I shouted, my dagger twisting in his thigh.

"Warehouse!" He tells me, his deep Russian accent seeping through.


"America! I know no more!" Pleads echo around the cell of the basement.

His blood was dripping from all over his body, there was so much, you couldn't actually tell where it was coming from

As the words left his mouth, I raised my hand and shot him with the gun I use on the daily.

Since Liv was taken, Rina has been insisting we carry weapons.

I use mine to kill Russians.

I left the room, two of the French guards in my warehouse stood with a can of gasoline and a match, ready to dispose of the body.

I made my way up the stairs of the basement, guards nodding to me as they did so.

The only reason they follow me is because of Liv.

She doesn't know, but mom used to bring her here all the time as a baby, they all loved her. And as she got older, she started meeting their families at the restaurant in the city that mom owned, and helped serve glasses of water and alcohol to them when they stopped by for lunch.

She just thinks of them as our mom's business partners.

The warehouse is split into four different floors: the basement where we torture people, the ground floor where we train, from guns and knifes and hand-hand combat, then the third floor is where my office is, that looks down on the training floor, then the top floor is security and computer base.

"Lenny! Where's my suit?" I shouted down from my office

"On the back of the door!" He shouted up from the training floor, where he was examining some of the hit women.

Closing the door I just flung open, my mouth made an 'o' shape as I picked up my black tux.

Can always count on Lenny-

Of course a tux is better than a suit!

"Cheers Lenny!" I shouted back down, hearing the chuckles of a few members.

This is a daily occurrence.

I was also there when they saw Liv grow up. The only reason I can not lead them forever is because I'm already apart of the Italian Mafia.

I picked up my black tux with the white shirt, and changed my clothes.

A knock came from my office door, just as I was putting my white shirt over my shoulders

"Come in!" I called out, starting to button up my shirt.

"You never learned how to do a tux properly." Lenny sighed as he came over with the tie.

Lenny was a friend of my mother's, she used to babysit him when he was a little kid. He has shoulder length, fluffy blonde hair, and dark brown eyes. I met him when I first moved to France.

He's actually Callie's father, but I didn't meet Callie till I started school with my brothers since she lived with her mother.

But Callie has been taken now.

I watched in fascination as Lenny finished my tie for the tux, leaving it in a little black bow.

"Remember, don't let the Russians aggravate you." He warned me again.

"I know." I relied.

"Theo, I'm serious you ha-"

"Have no idea what they will do to Liv, Callie and Ian." I repeated like i have for the past week.

Tonight is the Mafia Ball, since Vito is taking the role of Don of the Italian Mafia.

"We'll get them back." Lenny said in a comforting tone wrapping his arms around my frame and bringing me into a hug.

I bit back the tears that were threatening to fall, and hugged him back.

Lenny has always been like an uncle to me.

"I haven't seen her in years." I mumbled against his shoulder, still hugging him.

"Same, but I won't lose hope." He whispered back, knowing we are both struggling.

We stayed there for a few minutes.

Just standing in my office, embracing each other like old friends. For these past two years, we've spent more time together than we have in my entire life, searching for the family we love.

"Come on, we need to go if you want to get there on time." Lenny sighed as he pulled away, nodding his head towards the closed office door.

I followed him out the office and down to the ground floor. Waiting for us, was our best men and women, all ready to attend the hall with us.

"Remember, no weapons are to be brought inside the hotel." I ordered as we left the warehouse and piled into the SUV's and limousine waiting outside.

The ball was taking place at the UW Hotel. It was built after ww1, a place where the Mafias could meet up together on neutral ground and see the new leader.

It's located in Washington D.C, where no one has any territory.

The car ride is four hours long, so I decided to take a nap one the way.

I felt my eye lids become heavy, and slowly drifting into a slumber. My mind though, it was set on getting Liv back, just like any other time I tried to go to sleep.

I was woken up with a start four hours later, to Lenny smiling down at me with a cheeky grin.

"Come on, we're about to pull up." He told me.

I quickly took the comb from his hand, slicking back my hair, ready for the paparazzi that are no doubt being held behind barricades.

Just as I predicted, there was paparazzi. My guards covered me as Lenny guided me inside the grand hotel in front of us.

The walls were a golden yellow, and the floors a pristine white marble. There were leather sofas placed around the room, vases containing flowers also scattered in the odd place.

Lenny continued to guide me through the halls, until we were taken inside the banquet/ball room. Inside was already the Italian Mafia, my family, and a few others, all of whom had taken our side in the war.

"Theo, how was the journey over?" Rina asked as she walked over to me and kissed my cheek while hugging me.

She was wearing a dark red dress. It was tight fitting at the top with a v neckline, and turned flowy at the bottom, layered in ruffles.

"It was good. I slept most of the way though." I replied, a small smile set on my face.

We continued to make small talk till it was time to start the evening properly.

Giovanni stood up from his seat and took his place in the middle of the dance floor, raising his glass of champagne as he opened his mouth to make a speech.

"Thank you for joining us this evening-"

He was cut off by the doors of the ball room being flung open with a bang.

Walking inside, dressed in a black tux, his hair silver and eyes a deadly cold blue, stood Alexi Vilstov.

Leader of the Russian mafia.

"I hope we are not interrupting, our guests made a fuss of getting ready for this evening." He motions behind him with a sadistic grin on his face.


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