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Storms rise as life flashes by, a swirl of rain and fog and snow that leaves you blind to the road ahead.

The winter is the cold that nips at the pale skin of the human body.

The spring is where new life is created, allowing nature to take its form over and over again like the beauty it is.

The summer where the sun shines down, and burns the skin of those who are unprotected. Letting it flake away like ashes in the wind.

The autumn is where the cold begins to surface once again. And nature sheds like a snake does skin, a protection from the upcoming winter and preparation for new life once again.

Life is like the four seasons.

There's warmth and love, then cold and dark.

Some people get stuck in the love...while others are left in the dark.

It just depends how desperately you want to escape.

Once again I was sat on the sunbed by the swimming pool outside. Theo was swimming in the pool next to me, shooting baskets through little basketball net that was at the edge of the pool.

The others were inside, doing god knows what. Theo and I decided to have some time to ourselves, which led to us coming outside once I got back with Rina.

"When did you last talk to Josh and Megan?" Theo asks as he throws the mini basket ball once again.

"Um, like a few days ago." I respond, this time though, instead of writing my story, I'm typing out code on my laptop that lay open on my lap, my book now by my side.

"Did they tell you the news then?" He asks as he makes another shot.

"What news?" I question as I finish up with the code.

"That they're moving to New York." He says as he turns to me with his cheeky grin.

My head snaps up to his, and I can tell by the look in his eyes he is not lying. A large grin breaks out on my face as I jump out of my seat and starts jumping up and down like a mad man.

Chuckling, Theo throws the ball at me, I catch it and throw it in the net at the other end of the 8ft long pool. I then began to cackle like a maniac as I watch my older brother pout at the fact he struggled to get a shot at 4ft.

He soon starts laughing with me also, to the point where we both can't breathe. But soon his laughter is cut short and is replaced by a deadly glare, directed behind me.

Turning around, I see that Luca is stood in the doorway of the kitchen, glaring right back at us. All he does is grumble, "Dad wants you both in his office now."

Sighing, I lock my lap top and put it in the laptop bag along with my book, and carry it inside, leaving it on the kitchen counter.

Theo walks by my side on the way to Gio's office, with a towel wrapped around his shoulders, not bothered that he is dripping water through the house.

We arrived outside of Gio's office. I knocked at the door, and Theo opened it after hearing the deep yet calm voice of Gio on the other side.

Theo went in first glaring, and I followed after with a small smile. Gio sat in his massive leather chair, behind his dark wood desk, with his stotic expression.

"What do you want?" Theo said in a board tone as he sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the desk.

"A better attitude for starters." Gio answered with a squint of his eyes.

"But I wanted to tell you that you are both starting school on Monday." It's Friday, and I really can't be bothered for school again.

I just hope that Megan and Josh got in the same school as Theo and I.

"We're gonna need to buy some shit." Theo said as he leant back, while I just threw my legs over his lap as we were sat so close.

"Language!" Gio scolds. "And Vito and Luca will take you tomorrow."

"Vito? He can actually stop working and not have a heart attack?" I blurt out, laughing with Theo almost instantly.

"Yes bella." I heard the rough voice of my oldest brother from behind me. Next time I'm in Gio's office, I need to look around. He almost gave me a heart attack!

Without turning around, I muttered a small, "good to know."

"Is that all?" I asked, starting to get bored.

"Yes, but I suggest you both get ready for dinner soon." Gio says before Theo and I jump up from our seats and leave the office.

I know that Gio and Vito are my family...but it feels like I'm replacing them. And that's not something I enjoy.

They were my family.

They are my family!

But...a few new additions doesn't sound so bad.

"Whatever your thinking, stop." Theo said as he stopped in front of me.

"I wasn't thinking anything bad" I state, only to correct myself with the look he gave me "well, not all of it..."

"Look, Liv, I get it. We don't know them, we didn't grow up with them. We grew up with mom, and dad and the girls. It's okay to feel bad for connecting with our bio family, but don't let it stop you. Your not replacing them, your building new relationships."

I stand there in silence for a moment, contemplating what my intelligent brother just said.

But then I respond. "You should be a therapist."

With a playful glare, he pushes me by my shoulder, "fuck off shortie."

"Drama Queen." I say.

He give me, what must be the most dramatic glare in the world. "Bitch what did you say!" He responds in a playful tone.

Sticking my tongue out at him, it wasn't a second later before I was swept up in his arms and hanging upside down in the air.

As you can see, Theo is incredibly strong to carry a seven stone girl by only her feet with his hands.

He then flung me over his shoulder and started spinning in circles, making me dizzy and letting the screams of laughter erupting from my mouth. He didn't stop even when we heard Gio's office door open, and a click -but I can't identify what from-. He didn't stop when the thuds of running feet coming down the hall.

He didn't stop when we heard Luca complain about the loud noise.

It was just me and my big brother once again.

We were just missing two people from our moment of sibling love and fun.


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