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"Who are you?" He repeats, a confused look spread across his beautiful face.

"Xavier, it's me." I tell him, taking his face in my hands. "It's me, Liv."

"I know." He chuckles, a smile replacing that confused look.

"You asshole!" I yell as I repeatedly smack his arm, knowing I can't hit his head or chest without it risking the stitches.

"I'm sorry, but I had to mi amor." Xavier says, kissing my knuckles.

"I hate you." I pout, folding my arms and sitting in his bed with my back to him.

Yes I'm childish

And petty

"No you don't." Xavier coos as he pulls me down so my head in on his furthest shoulder.

"What are you doing!" I say as I go to sit back up, only to have him pull me down again.

"Relax, my stitches will be fine." He tells me, kissing my forehead as he hold me in his arms

"I still hate you." I grumbled, kissing his cheek in return.

"Clearly." He chuckles.

We spent the next three hours cuddled up in his hospital bed.

There was a few visits from doctors and nurses who continued to run tests.

All of them we astounded that Xavier had no neuro abnormalities.

He was completely fine.

But he was also told he can drink alcohol a lot less due to the new liver.

He wasn't happy about that.

"I want whiskey." He continued to complain.

"I want you to shut up!" I whined as I rubbed my aching head.

"I still want my whiskey!" He protests.

"I swear to god I will put you back in the coma myself." I threatened, glaring back at him from my sitting up position.

"I just want one whiskey." He complained.

"Let's make a deal." I said, turning my body to face him, "You don't get to drink, unless I'm drinking."

"Please, you're one step away from being addicted." He laughs.

Squinting my eyes in a challenging way, "I'll stop. We only get to drink on special occasions."

The look on his face was priceless.

He looked like I just told him I shit out our unicorn baby.

"You're serious?" His tone was filled with shock and awe.

"Yeah, I'll do it with you." I told him, finality in my tone.

A adorable smile broke out onto his face as he looked up at me, before bringing me down into a loving kiss.

"I love you mi amor." He tells me, his dark brown eyes swimming with adoration.

"I love you too mon amour."

All my life, I wondered if I would ever find love.

I always thought I would meet some random guy walking down the street, and we'd get to talking, then dating. Then end up being eighty years old, sitting on our porch watching our kids talk on the bench while our grandkids play together. Our entire life one blissful fairytale.

But one thing I know for sure is; my life is no fairytale.

Far from it...

I grew up with my mother, my adoptive father who I thought was my biological father, and my siblings. Then the majority of them all died, and it was just me and Theo.

Then Theo got sent to juvie, and my best friends' family took me in.

Then I met my entire biological family, who happens to be apart of the Mafia. All of them loved me immediately, well besides Luca, but he loves me now.

He's like a bloody teddy bear now

And just when things were getting great in my life again, I get kidnapped.

But it all kinda worked out, because Callie and Ian were there, and so was Xavier.

And in the same day, I found out I was the heir to the French Mafia; a mafia that has been in my family for generations and was responsible for many deaths of people I loved.

I haven't seen Callie and Ian since they were dragged away from our cell a month ago. Both of them have been busy with their families, and Xavier and I were hunting down members of the Russians.

Then he got shot.

This past week has been a living hell for me.

I spent every day, sat by a hospital bed that held the man I love.

I know how corny it sounds, but he's the love of my life.

I know this because, not many people meet the way we did.

Tortured together for years and suffering through pain everyday. Being someone for the other to lean on, someone for comfort.

No one gets to experience all that in the first two years of knowing each other; not even in a life time.

But we did.

It was how we met.

And I'd do it all again if it meant I still got to call Xavier mine.

"What are you thinking about?" Xavier's voice brought me out of my thinking.

Looking down, I saw curiosity on his face as he stroked some of my growing brown hair away from my face.

"How come you in your next of kin and not your brother?" I asked.

His hand froze and his eyes narrowed.

Not at me, but at my question.

"Mi hermano and I are not close." He states, emptiness in his words.

"Does he even know you're in hospital?" I asks, a little shocked by the change in Xavier's expression.

"He doesn't even know I'm no longer kidnapped." He sighed.

"What!" I practically shouted. "Why not?!"

He leaned back in his bed, as if he were debating the answer.

But with a moment of contemplation, he decided on an answer.

"It's time I tell you about my sister."

His sister...

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