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Maybe life has a plan for me. Maybe all this tragedy happened for a reason. Maybe everything will work out in the end.

But as my Dad always used to say; maybe is just an undecided no.

After a long nights rest from the tedious flight to Spain, I had joined Carlos in his office. Originally, I had come to sign papers to have a deal between our two technology companies.

I had left Leon asleep in his elephant themed bed, since his favourite teddy was an elephant. Gabrielle bought him it the day she met Leon, and he became obsessed with it.

When we visited, he always packed his elephant to play with and show Gabrielle. It always made me smile how she was always so happy to see how much he loved her gift. I think, in a way, she felt reconnected with Xavier through Leon. And honestly, I can say the same. Sometimes I don't realise how similar Leon is to Xavier.

The chuckles and laughs, the soft hair, the loving personality, the obsession with hugs from me.

And that god damn smirk.

Now, however, a personal matter was brought up by Carlos, and he had my full attention.

"The day before the plane crash," Carlos broke through the quiet pen scratching on paper, "Your brother and Xavier informed me of what happened to my sister. It's a long story-"

"One that I know." I interrupted, noticing how Carlos' voice cracked in emotional agony.

"Right. Well, Vito, Xavier am I arranged to get justice for my sister through Angelo Gionatti, her husband." Carlos explained. "And since Xavier is no longer with us, I was wondering if you would like to take his place?"

The day Xavier told me the horrors in which his sister endured, I knew any way I could she would get her justice. The pain that oozed from his voice was torturous to hear, and he was ready to do whatever it took.

I had heard of Angelo Gionatti, Vito had mentioned him before. After Rina's funeral, Vito told me exactly what he told Xavier that day in his office. How the love of his life was taken from him too early, along with their child, and how that woman was Xavier's sister Gloria.

"MAMA!" Echoed through the halls, followed by a clash and a bang.

I was out the door within seconds, Carlos hot on my heels. My heart was pounding horribly in my chest, ready to burst out of my body.

The halls seemed endless as I sprinted faster than I ever had. I could hear Carlos clocking two guns from behind me, then I felt him place one into my hand.

The second I was in the kitchen, my eyes landed on Leon, who was wearing a giant smile on his face, in the arms of one of the guards.

"MAMA! CAKES!" Clapping his small hands, I followed Leon's gaze to the tray of cakes on the counter, the trays on the floor, and the broken glass of the floor length window.

The look on the guard's face was haunted, and a startled looking Gabrielle was sat on the bar stool.

"They look yummy, why don't you and Abuela share some." Gabrielle broke out of her trance, and snatched Leon from the guard's arms.

"Come on little man." She smiled, taking Leon further into the kitchen.

The guard walked closer to Carlos and I, eyes wide open on fear.

"Nero, what happened?" Carlos asked, putting his gun in the waistband of his pants.

"A man broke in, and tried to pick up Leon. When we all ran inside, he was already escaping. He got away." Nero, Leon's bodyguard in Spain, explained.

"Do you have any idea of who this man was?" Carlos questioned further.

"He had a tattoo on his chest, we managed to get a photo from the security camera, Alejandro just sent me it."

Looking down at the photo on his screen, my heart stopped in my chest. I heard the gasp escape Carlos' lips. And I felt all the colour drain from my face.

Walking around Nero, I reentered the kitchen, and picked up Leon. There was icing around his mouth, a joyful smile on his face.

Gabrielle was still sat in her chair, eyes wide as she took tiny bites from the cupcake.

Taking the seat beside her, I held Leon in my lap, and wrapped my arm around Gabrielle. I could feel her shaking in my arms, but she kept her tears at bay for the sake of Leon.

Carlos came inside the room a few minutes later, with three guards behind him and Nero. A maid began boarding up the broken glass, and the guards were sweating the room.

"I'm in." Was all I said to him.

Xavier would want someone he loved to avenge his sister when he could not.

But what baffles me most, was one simple question; is Xavier Ramirez really dead?

Because my name is very rare, and I don't know anyone else who had Liviana tattooed across the top of their heart.

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