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Lifting my head with a groan, I saw Leon sat at the bottom of my bed, running his fire engine up and down Logan's back. Chuckling as he watched Leon play, Logan paid no mind to the fact his suit was wrinkling from the toy wheels. 

"NEE NAW NEE NAW NEE NAW NEE- Mama!" Leon abandoned his truck waddled up the bed to where I laid. 

"Hello baby." I smiled, opening my arms for my chubby cheeked son. 

"Good morning darling." Logan kissed my lips, but not too much since Leon was currently sat on my lap, his small arms wrapped around my neck. 

"Morning mon beau." I whispered back. "Have you guys eaten yet?" 

"No mama. We wait for you." Leon answered, running his truck up and down my arm. 

"Let's go then." Lifting him up from my lap, Logan played aeroplane while I headed into the bathroom. 

Once my teeth were brushed, showered and hair brushed into their shoulder length waves, I left the bathroom to see Leon chasing around a pretend scared Logan, who was jumping over the bed. 

"BOYS!" I shouted, since the first four times weren't heard above Leon's giggling screams. 

"Yes!" Both heads snapped to me within seconds, and with lost puppy looks on their faces, Logan and Leon followed me down the stairs as I laughed quietly to myself. 

Arriving in the kitchen, I was greeted with the aroma of food and coffee. Glancing inside hesitantly, gun from my waist band out and ready to shoot as Logan held Leon, I saw Theo. 

"You dickhead, I could've shot you!" I yelled at my confused brother, flipping a pancake with a bewildered look on his face. "I thought someone broke in!"

"Who would break in and cook you breakfast?" Theo chuckled, handing me a mug of coffee after rounding the kitchen island. 

"Dickhead." I mumbled. 

Once he kissed the top of my head, Theo did the same to Leon before heading back around to flip the pancake again. Logan sat beside me as Leon sat on my left, wrapping an arm around my waist and kissing the side of my head. 

"How did you even get in here?" Logan questioned, taking a sip of my coffee. 

"How!" Leon shouted joyfully as a pancake was placed infront of him. 

"I have a key, I got one made." Theo shrugged.

"Of course you did." I laughed, "It doesn't shock me. It scares me, but doesn't shock me." 

"Anyway, Liv, we have to discuss something where little ears can't hear." Theo said, indicating to Leon who was happily munching away. 

"Go, I'll stay with him." Logan said, kissing my forehead before turning to Leon. 

Leaving the kitchen with Theo, we headed down the hall and up the stairs to my office. Taking a seat behind my desk, Theo remained standing as he indicated for a guard to bring a small box inside the room. 

"This morning, I didn't come round for no reason." Theo began. "Leaving my house, I found this box sitting at my front door."

Reaching forward, I opened the box. The wood was a dark mahogany, the interior a red velvet. Laying on the cushioned inside, was an index finger. There was still a little bit of blood oozing from the severed digit, and the skin was still warm. 


Rolling his eyes at my sarcasm, Theo continued, "We ran the print and..." 

"What?" I sighed, bored of the dramatics. 


It was like all the air left my lungs, I heard Theo talking but not a word registered in my mind. My eyes began to glaze over as I continued to stare at him. 

After his death, I banned everyone from using his name around me. It was far to difficult to be constantly reminded that I lost the love of my life. I call Carlos once a month, but that is only so I can move on from Xavier's death. 

But really, it's just my way of holding on...

"What?" I finally breathed. 

"Xavier's finger was left on my doorstep this morning." Theo simplified, moving to stand next to me, with a sympathetic smile on his face. 

"There must be a mistake." I muttered. 

"Liv, his body was never found...maybe...someone stole him?" It was clear Theo had no idea what he was talking about. 


The words left my mouth before I registered what I was saying. I had no intention of screaming at my closest brother, but I couldn't help it. All the emotions I had shoved down to the bottom of my soul began to rise; all the emotions I should've dealt with years ago. 

Trying to stand up, I ended I up collapsing to my knees. Theo sat down on the floor next to me, wrapping me up in his arms as I cried. 

"Tell me it's not true?" I begged. 

I felt Theo's chest rise and fall as he cried, either with me or for me. Stroking my hair, he held me as the tears poured like a waterfall from my eyes. 

"It is."

Theo confirmed my answer. 

Xavier Ramirez is alive, and being held hostage. 

But, by who?

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