Found Again

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I'm sorry you're birthday got ruined with the kidnapping of your friend, but it was necessary.

I read the small note over and over again, trying to remember if I had seen the handwriting before.

I haven't.

This letter was delivered in the post yesterday, two days after my birthday where Alec was kidnapped.

We ran two miles after the car till we couldn't continue any further, all of us panting and fighting for oxygen.

Since then, we have been searching high and low for our friend; it's has been difficult.

We've found nothing on his whereabouts, who the driver was that hit him, nor the man who kidnapped him.

Though, the man seems familiar.

From where I do not know.

"THEO!" I heard Lenny shout from the computer the floor of the warehouse we spent most our time at.

I stood up from my desk and left the office, buttoning up the sleeves of my navy shirt as I went up the stairs to, arguably, the most important floor in the warehouse.

"Lenny, what've you got?" I asked as I approached the desk Jake was working at.

Logan, Josh, Jake and Megan have been staying here at the warehouse with me for two days, hauling every resource we have to try and find the people who kidnapped Alec.

Jake, Megan and Josh are already apart of the French Mafia, but it took a bit of convincing for me to allow Logan into the warehouse as he is apart of the Italian Mafia.

"Jake's found something." Lenny smiles.

The guy hasn't stopped smiling since Callie returned.

Proper creepy during 'interrogations'

"What?" I asked as I looked down at the screen of the computer.

"The passenger." Jake said, then pointed at the screen holding all the information.

Xavier Ramirez

"Am I meant to know who he is?" I asked as I glanced at all the waiting faces.

"Yes, but with you're social battery it is understandable." Megan sighs as she turns to Jake, ready to give me some informations

"Xavier is younger brother to Carlos and Gloria Ramirez. He's nineteen. Carlos is the Don of the Spanish Mafia, Gloria is dead. He was the top assassin until three years ago, when he mysteriously disappeared.He was perfect at hand to hand combat and was an excellent sniper."

"Are you sure it's him?" I asked as I glanced back at the screen, seeing a man who looked similar to the one I saw two nights ago. But it was so dark, it's difficult to tell.

"The security camera caught a direct glimpse of his face." Jake told me, "I did a facial recognition with the software you have -which I will be borrowing in future- and the match was ninety nine percent."

"Where is he now?" I questioned, my hands curling into fists at the sight of the man on the screen.

He took my friend.

I'll skin him alive.

"We managed to follow him to a car park by the mall, they went inside the car park but never came back out. I assume they stole another car and drove away." Logan told me.

"Right, there's cameras on the ticket machines for the car park, hack into them and see which car he took." I ordered, my nails cutting a moon shaped cut in the palm of my hand.

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