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NO! NO! NO!"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, paling a peak inside of Leon's bedroom.

He was stood on his toddler dinosaur bed, jumping up and down, shouting at a distressed looking Logan.

Holding a pair of joggers and a T-shirt in hand, Logan continued to plead with Leon, begging him to make his life easier.

Today, Leon and I are flying away to another country. But the down side is, while Leon may love the country we are travelling to, he absolutely hates flying.

Apparently it's too long and 'wasting time of his precious childhood'. I swear he didn't get his dramatics from me.

"Leon, just let Dad dress you." I sighed, annoyed even though I've been stood here less than two minutes.

"No Mama!" He giggled, clearly enjoying being a pain in the ass.

"Napoleon, get your ass dressed now or I will drag you to the airport in nothing but your underwear." I said in a deadly calm tone.

Within seconds, Leon was dressed in the clothes and stood hugging my hips, smiling up at me.

"I'm sorry mama." He whispered.

"It's fine baby, just do as you're told." Picking him up, I rested him on my hip while carrying him down the stairs.

Logan followed behind with a smile on his face, ruffling up Leon's hair every chance he got,

"Logan I swear to god!" I raised my voice yet again, and received sheepish smiles in return.

"But he looks adorable with messy hair." Logan justified, offering a small grin.

"There's adorable and then there's scruffy." Rolling my eyes, I flattened down Leon's hair and placed him in his car seat.

After saying a long goodbye to Logan, Leon and I set off to the airport. Toby, our driver, started dancing with Leon to the Disney music.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the airstrip and loaded all the luggage onto the plane. Where we are going, Leon and I have clothes there since we visit so often.

Leon sat on my lap, looking out the window as the buildings of the city became smaller and smaller, till they were nothing but specks below.

It wasn't long before he fell asleep in my lap. Drool was hanging from his lip like it did when he was an infant. The small smile that naturally rested on his face was beyond adorable.

I always wondered how similar he would look to hers. If they would be complete opposites or identical, I'll never know. I try not to think about her though.

No one moved on while they mourn the past.

Eventually, I joined Leon in his slumber. The comfort of my son laid asleep across my body was enough to calm my nerves while flying.

Ever since I lost Xavier and Rina, I've hated flying. But I promised I would visit, and I always brought Leon with me.

After nine long hours, the jet landed on the same runway we've been using for the past two years. The jet landed with a thud, and the wheels stabilised the plane.

Deciding on not waking him, I placed Leon on my hip and carried him down the steps. Opposite the jet, was a matte black jeep.

The driver remained in the vehicle, but the two people at the side were wearing bright smiles.

"Liviana!" He cheered, walking towards me with open arms.

His mother followed after, but overtook him when she ran towards me.

Kissing me on the cheek, she snatched a waking Leon from my arms.

Hugging him, I watched as she danced around with Leon, a bright smile on her wrinkled face.

"How's my Nieto?" She cooed, squishing his chubby cheeks.

"I missed you Abuela." Leon yawned, wrapping his arms around Gabrielle's neck.

"And what about me?" He pouted, causing a mischievous grin to cross Leon's face.

"I guess I missed you too Tío Carlos!" Leon cheered, reaching over for Carlos.
Uncle Carlos

Every once in a while, Leon and I will fly over to Spain, and see Carlos and Gabrielle.

Gabrielle loves Leon more than anything, she spoils him rotten and stuff him full of food. Carlos is planning on passing down the Spanish Mafia to Leon if that is what he wishes, as he has no children of his own.

Watching Carlos and Leon play together, Gabrielle stood at my side, a mournful smile on her face.

"He may look exactly like you, but he's the replica of Xavier."

I always bring Leon with me; it's only right that he should know his father's family.

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