Sins Of The Father

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If Jay knew he was coming home to a damn interrogation he would have insisted on staying with Cliff. The second his parents and Wu saw him they dragged him into the junkyard and forced him to sit on a stack of tires. The obnoxious light Ed was shining on his face wasn't helping. Seriously, enhanced eyesight was a pain sometimes. At least they had their good cop, bad cop routine down and ready.

"You should've called." Edna frowned as she checked him over for any injuries before he pushed her off.

"We don't have to let you know every move we make!" He scoffed and Ed scowled, unhappy with Jay's tone, but there was a bigger problem to deal with.

"Where is Cliff anyway?"

"He had to go." Jay shrugged, not seeing it as a big deal since they were meeting again tomorrow. Edna didn't share his opinion, however.

"He sent you home on your own at this time of night?" She screeched at Cliff's lack of responsibility but instead of understanding Jay rolled his eyes at her reaction. He knew his parents loved him and wanted to keep him safe, but he went to college in a few months. They seriously needed to stop treating him like a kid. He could make his way home just fine and it wasn't even that late.

"I've waited here all day to talk to him." Wu frowned and Jay glared.

"What? So you can scare him off again?" He spat, causing the old werewolf to flinch at Jay's tone but refused to back down. "We didn't 'scare him off'; he chose to leave you in Ninjago City because he knew he couldn't give you the proper care you needed."

"Why? Because he's human and I'm not? If that's the case then why'd you let Mom and Dad adopt me!"

"I didn't let them adopt you! They wouldn't-"

"Wu, I think maybe you should go." Ed suddenly said. Wu tried to argue but Ed didn't give him a chance and physically forced him out of the junkyard and all but slammed the gate in his face. After briefly calming his nerves, he turned back to his family and gave them a forced smile. "Did you have a good time?"

"The best! We're going out tomorrow." Jay grinned from ear to ear, ignorant of the pained looks his parents were giving him. Neither of them said anything and sent Jay to his room, promising to discuss things properly tomorrow. As soon as he got into his room he kicked off his suits and changed into his pajamas, hanging up the suit in his closet. It was a nice suit and he intended to keep it as pristine as possible for special occasions. He wasn't one for fancy clothes but this one had sentimental value and to him, that was more precious than all the money spent today.

Suddenly his laptop started dinging and when Jay opened it he found himself in a video chat with his friends.

"OK, spill," Lloyd demanded the second Jay's screen loaded in.

"I had a fantastic time! We went everywhere - we saw the whole of Ninjago City and had a huge meal at the best restaurant in the city." He grinned, practically buzzing in excitement.

"Cool suit," Cole said when he noticed the suit hanging in his closet.

"Yeah, Cliff's the best!"

"If he's so great, why's he leave you here?" Kai asked, getting loud shouts from the others and a smack to the back of his head from Nya. "What?! We're all thinking it!"

"Speak for yourself!"

"Well... that wasn't his fault and besides, the past doesn't matter, it's our future together we have to think of now," Jay replied, though he was less enthusiastic than he was at the start of the call. Everyone noticed and Kai winced in guilt.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family Valuesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن