Guys' Night

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Iron Baron cackled loudly as Seven all but ran out of the tavern. He loved messing with that brat. She was so pathetic and far too easy to trick. If she hadn't had been so naive, she wouldn't even be in this situation. He didn't feel sorry for her in the slightest. It was her fault her and her brother had to move here, and she took that job he offered without reading the fine print of the contract. He couldn't wait for this job to be finished so he could finally get rid of that little pest.

Hopefully in the next few days those filthy werewolves would be exterminated like the vermin they are.

But Iron Baron wasn't a fool. He had been a hunter his whole life, so he knew you always had to think five steps ahead of your prey, and to take notice of any weak points. He knew Seven was a weak-willed girl with no desire to kill, even if it was a disgusting monster, she was aiming the gun at. While he hoped she would follow through with his orders, this was too big a risk to leave to a teenager. It was a dark moon, and, thanks to his employer, the pack was separated for the weekend.

They couldn't let this opportunity pass them by.

Who knew when they would get another chance to kill those freaks. Once he was certain Seven had driven away, he pulled out his phone and called Finch and his family to give her a little assistance. They owned him a few favors and this should help pay off their debt to him. After he sent that message, however, he noticed that his had received a notification from his boss. Apparently, they had intercepted a message between the pack and two of them were going to be alone, in a remote area, away from the rest of the werewolves.

The baron was almost rubbing his hands with glee.

This was better than killing two birds with one stone. Not only would they be getting rid of most of the females of the pack but now he could dispose of two more. The death of a single wolf would cause the rest of the pack to fall apart. He had seen it happen. At least depending on which wolf was killed, the size of the pack, and a few other factors. While he didn't think the omega's death would bother those beasts that much, the loss of a beta would be a hard blow.

Especially towards the alpha, having lost their second in command.

The loss of their females would also be a devastating blow to the pack that they would never be able to recover from. Unfortunately, his boss had called Iron Baron in for an emergency meeting, so he himself wouldn't be able to make the kill himself. It was a shame, he loved doing his own work. But at the same time the beta and omega in question seemed rather pathetic and not worth his time. With a sick smirk, Iron Baron dialed the number for the perfect person to do the deed.

This was going to be a very fun night...


Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd, Morro, and Zane watched as the girls, plus Edna, all climbed aboard the train and departed for the engineering symposium for the weekend. Zane was a little concerned about the state of the train, and the fact that he had failed to find anything concrete about the organization hosting this event. But his friends always said he worried too much about all kinds of little things. Kai also pointed out that it was possibly a brand-new organization.

They probably hadn't had a chance to gain much acknowledgment yet and the event was their way to get more attention.

Even though Zane didn't think that was the case he was trying not to stress out, especially so close to the dark moon so he tried to ignore it. After the screeching train was out of sight and hearing, everyone began making their way home. Everyone but Jay and Zane that is, who were both heading to the latter's house. Zane was not exactly into the party scene, but he liked having his friends around. Especially since he was going to be home alone this weekend.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora