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Morro's eyes narrowed in confusion and frustration as he stared at the chessboard. When he asked Jay to help him learn how to play chess, he didn't think it would be so hard. When he watched Harumi and her mother play it looked so easy. Thinking that it would impress her, Morro said he could play and would beat anyone at this game. She took this as a challenge and said they would have a match when she and her family came back from her parents' conference abroad.

Scared at what Harumi would think of him, Morro begged his friends for help.

Jay had been happy to help him, saying that it was easy to learn. When the ginger-haired teen was learning, he liked to think he had picked it up quickly. Zane had been great in teaching him, but it was not hard to tell that Jay was still not at his level. It felt like Jay was always playing catch-up. When Morro mentioned he wanted to learn how to play, Jay thought things might finally be different. He wouldn't be the only one playing catch-up anymore.

Jay was happy to help Morro learn the ropes.

He also hoped that this would help him and Morro connected more as part of a pack. They were currently sitting in Morro's room at his foster parents' home. Kai was also there, but he was more focused on the games on his phone than a game of chess. Cole and Zane were supposed to be meeting them they were all running late due to one reason or another. But that gave Jay more time to train his new pupil for a match with Zane.

"Which way does the horse thingy move again?" Morro asked as he held up the chess piece.

"The knight moves two squares one way, one square another way," Jay replied as he demonstrated with his knight.

"OK, so there?"

"Perfect." The ginger-haired teen smiled when Morro's foster brother Nelson Raynolds suddenly barged into the room. Nelson was a twelve-year-old boy with light brown hair combed to the side and dark green eyes. He was wearing a purple sweatshirt and light blue pants.

"I found this on the doorstep, I hope you don't mind, I kinda took a peek." He smiled and held up a small box to the older foster child. Morro rolled his eyes and snatched the box out of Nelson's hands. He opened it and his eyes widened when he saw what was in it.

"Is it from a secret admirer? I don't think Harumi will like that." Kai teased, but he didn't get the reaction he was hoping for.

"Eh, I'm going out." Morro quickly said, grabbed his coat, pocketed the box, and ran out of the room.

"What was it?" Jay asked the Dobsons' other foster child.

"An earring, kinda looked like a ghost," Nelson replied and the two teens froze.

"Morro, wait!" Kai shouted but Morro was already long gone. He wanted to chase after the lone wolf, but he knew that they needed to inform his foster parents about this. Sharing a look, the two werewolves ran back inside and saw the Dobsons in the kitchen making some lunch. "Um, Morro's old gang, the Ghosts, they're not supposed to know he's here, right?" The brunette asked and paled when the couple nodded.

"Someone left him a package with an earring inside and Nelson said that it looked like a ghost," Jay said and he never knew the Dobsons could go so pale.

"Where is he?" Mr. Dobson demanded.

"He ran out, I'll just go find him," Kai promised and made to run out of the house.

"NO! YOU WON'T!" Mrs. Dobson suddenly screamed, scaring the two teens. "You two are staying here until we know where he is." She ordered and they reluctantly agreed as her husband made a phone call.

"No, no, no, I don't want to move him again, he's settled here; I just thought I ought to warn you." He said to the person on the other end of the line. There was a moment of silence as the person responded. "Fine, fine, I'll call you later." He sighed in disappointment and hung up.

Wolves of Secrets 3: Family ValuesWhere stories live. Discover now