No Weddings and a Funeral

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Dr. Julien sighed as he finished loading the backs into his car. It had been a week since Zane had been caught in a snare and he had thankfully recovered, physically at least. His mental health was yet to be seen too. He had reported the snare to the police, claiming that his son and his friends had gone out star gazing and Zane was injured by the trap. The police thoroughly investigated the area and found many more traps.

What scared the pack the most, however, was that one trap was found right next to the entrance to the den.

The doctor wasn't a religious man, but he thanked God that no one else was hurt and no one was dead. Sadly, the police's investigation turned up nothing and no one had been charged with setting the traps. That was the way they were packing up now. They weren't moving away, but Dr. Julien thought it would be best to get Zane away from here and recover mentally as soon as he was discharged from the hospital.

They were going to visit Zane's grandfather up in the mountains.

If things went well, they would be back in a few days. As they were getting ready to leave, Zane's friends came up to see them off for the trip. Cole gave his friend a big hug and wished him luck. Harumi didn't say much other than a goodbye and good luck.

"My Mom baked these for the trip." Jay smiled as he handed Zane a Tupperware container full of brownies.

"Send us a postcard when you get there buddy," Kai said as they shared a hug. The brunette made a mental note to give Zane the number of the therapist his parents had gotten him after his leg was caught in that bear trap. The therapist didn't know all the details, like him being a werewolf, but she had been a great help in getting Kai back to who he was; even if the scars might never fade.

No one but Kai's family, Cole, and now Zane knew he was seeing a therapist.

Zane might not want to talk about what happened to him that night, but it never hurts to have the option. Lloyd gave the pale teen a kind smile and a hug, wishing him the best of luck on his travels. Morro was much like Harumi and kept his interaction short and sweet, but that was fine. Everyone knew he cared in his way.

"Don't worry about us here, just focus on getting better," Nya reassured her friend with an affectionate shoulder punch.

"We'll miss you." Pixal smiled as she and Zane hugged.

"I will miss you all as well, and I promise to be back soon." He told them before giving Pixal one last kiss and getting into the car. He waved goodbye to his friends as his father drove away. Pixal looked on sadly as the car disappeared in the distance, hoping this trip would be what Zane needed to recover...


Ray whistled a little tune to himself as he entered their apartment and kicked off his shoes. It had been a long day at work and he was eager to spend a relaxing night with his wife and children. He could hear Kai and Nya talking in their room. Maya was leaning over a hot stove, cooking dinner. She sensed his arrival and smiled at him over her shoulder. Ray approached her and hugged

"Hey, something smells good." He smiled as he kissed his wife and sniffed the food, but his smile quickly turned into a frown. "A little too good, What the hell's going on in here?" He demanded. Good food from his wife usually means bad news.

"My Mamá and Jack are coming over for dinner." Maya smiled, and there was the bad news.

"There goes my appetite." Ray groaned and sulked. While he, Jack, and Luana had managed to mend bridges since they last attended a family dinner, they still made little jabs at Ray, which he fully admits that he deserve. That being said, however, it got grating after a while. Not to mention the fact that every time they visited, Jack and Luana would always make out on his couch, in plain view of everyone.

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