The Walker Family Reunion Part 2

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Jay sighed as he threw his overnight bag onto the bed in one of the spare rooms at Zane's home. The sun was beginning to set and everyone was getting ready to head into the den. Nya was at Lloyd's house with Master Wu and Misako as usual. Pixal and Harumi were still at the reunion at Ed and Edna's insistence. Jay had only been to Zane's for a full moon two other times before now. But that was because there was usually something wrong with his at the junkyard.

Jay wished that he could stay and watch the fireworks with his family.

He used to love the blue ones when he was a kid before his instincts grew stronger as he grew older. But he knew it was impossible due to the full moon and his wolf's fear of fire. It was moments like these that Jay hated being a werewolf. A few of his relatives were upset that Jay wasn't staying for the night. Thankfully they had come up with the excuse that they had lots of studying to catch up on. His family still weren't happy, but they knew that his education had to come first.

He had promised to see them all off in the morning.

Most of his relatives were staying at inns, hotels, and motels around the city while some were camping at the junkyard. All afternoon Unagami had been telling his father and grandmother all about the stray dogs and cats Jay, Ed, and Edna kept at the junkyard. Milton and his mother were a little worried about this, especially with young children running around. So were a few other relatives who had brought their children to this reunion. Jay's parents quickly covered it up, however, by saying that there had been hardly any strays recently.

That and with how many people there are around here and the fireworks later it was highly that there would be any around for a while.

"Hey, Jay! You planning on transforming in your bedroom?!" Cole shouted up and Jay gasped when he realized that it was nearly an hour from the moon rise.

"Coming!" He called back down before putting his phone on charge and rushing down to the basement, hoping for a peaceful full moon in the forest with his friends...


As Nya was packing away her overnight bag in their guest room, Lloyd went into his room to get his pajamas ready for the morning. He groaned in frustration when he saw that his mother had been back into his room and had sorted through the college applications. She had already sorted through them out from the ones she thought were best for Lloyd to the ones she thought were the worst. Lloyd knew she meant well, but it was very irritating for him to deal with.

He was already stressed enough with the upcoming exams to worry about the pile of papers on his desk.

That and he knew he had to be careful when picking a college. He couldn't just go anywhere he wanted, He had to find one with a course that caught his interest and he had to find a cheap college. His mother and uncle didn't have a lot of money and it was very unlikely that he would get a scholarship. He knew Misako told him not to worry about that stuff, but he couldn't help but think about it. The blond teen considered getting a part-time job or something after school to pay for college.

Unfortunately, he knew that he didn't have enough time to make enough money for college placement.

But it might help his mother out with the enormous payments if he decided to go to college. Before he wander anymore, however, there was a light knocking on his door. A quick sniff of the air told him that it was only their house guest.

"Hey, Lloyd, you ok?" Nya asked as she poked her head into his room. Her eyes caught the pile of college applications and she frowned. "You still haven't filled these out yet?" She asked as she flipped through the papers.

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