The Vistors Part 2

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After avoiding more students and a few teachers, Kai and Harumi finally exited the school through the back doors. They found themselves outside at the back of the school. The only things back there were a few dumpsters and a couple of small fire extinguishers attached to the wall by the doors. Almost no one came back here these days. Only the school janitors, and a few students who wanted to sneak a few cigarettes, some booze, and maybe something a little more naughty.

It seemed that this was the perfect place to hide Gene's stuff.

It wouldn't be trash day for a couple more weeks so Kai felt confident they could throw this stuff in one of the dumpsters. As Kai picked up the bags, something fell out of one of the pockets and when Harumi picked it up, she saw it was a cigarette lighter. A sinister idea suddenly formed in her warped mind and she suddenly snatched the bags from Kai and placed them roughly thirty feet away from the building. She wanted Gene to get the message to never mess with them again.

So she planned on burning a little bit of his bags and some of the stuff inside.

The cheerleader wasn't going to set all his things on fire, and if something went wrong there were fire extinguishers by the doors.

"Hey, Kai, do you want to use this?" She smirked and turned on the lighter, allowing the flame to ignite and shine. It was only a small flame, but Kai still backed away as he felt his wolf starting to try and take control so he would run away. Kai managed to control it, however and fixed Harumi with a small glare. Even if he wasn't scared of fire, Kai wouldn't burn all of Gene's stuff. He hated the kid, but not that much.

"Harumi, we can't burn his stuff." He tried to say, but she either didn't hear him or was ignoring him as she bent down to Gene's stuff. Kai wanted to run over and stop her, but he was too scared of the fire to get closer. He had no choice but to watch as the top of the bag caught the flame and begin to burn. They both backed away as the fire began to grow. Kai was getting ready to grab the fire extinguisher when he suddenly smelt something through the growing cloud of smoke and fire.

It smelled like gunpowder.

But it wasn't like a gun or anything like that. To Kai, it smelled like fireworks you could get in a store for the 4th of July. It was already too late to run and grab the fire extinguisher as he could hear the familiar fizzle of the fireworks being lit. As soon as he realized this, Kai made the split-second decision to grab Harumi and they ducked behind one of the nearby dumpsters. They barely made it in time before the fireworks Gene had hidden in his bag ignited and exploded.

A few managed to escape the blaze as exploded in the sky and against the ground.

As they cowered behind the dumpsters, Kai could feel his wolf was so close to taking control. Harumi looked over at him and for a few seconds, she saw almost all his veins and gums were black, his eyes were yellow, his teeth and claws were longer and sharper. Seeing that he was about to transform, Harumi took Kai's shaking hands into her own and pulled him close. She started bringing him to his senses by whispering reassuring things to him and praying that it would be over soon.

Fate appeared to be on their side that day because Koko and Lawrence, along with their friends and the Granite Hills High students, burst out of the back doors.

By now there were no more fireworks so it seemed that they had all set off. As soon as Koko and Lawrence realized what was happening they grabbed the fire extinguishers and began to battle the blaze. As the teachers tried to put out the fire, the two groups were trying to comprehend what was happening. Ultra Violet and Delara just stood there dumbfounded. As the smoke and flames began to fade Gene recognized his stuff and he screamed and dashed to save his belongings.

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