Life Lessons Part 2

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Lloyd was frozen for a split second, temporarily blinded by the bright headlights of the race cars. He knew he had to move or else he would be flatted worse than roadkill, but unfortunately Lloyd couldn't look away from the light. Even though it was hurting his eyes his wolf couldn't stop looking at it. His mind went back to something Zane's father once told the teens when they were reaching their first transformations. He explained the meaning behind the phrase a deer in headlights and why they had to be weary over all the bright lights of Ninjago City.

When an animal is suddenly flashed with bright lights they are suddenly blinded.

They became so frightened that they could not think clearly. They do not know what to do. They don't do anything until their eyes adjusted and Lloyd didn't want to think about what happened next. The sudden blast of a car horn snapped Lloyd back to reality and he saw he was seconds away from death. Thankfully, this allowed his human mind to take over again and he ran out of the just at the very last second. The dark green race car that was about to hit him suddenly swerved to try and avoid the werewolf in its way.

Unfortunately, this caused the driver of the car to lose control of the vehicle and crash into a tree.

This was followed by the cars that were racing behind. Thankfully they all managed to come to a stop before they crashed as well. Lloyd lay low on the ground and crawled under a bush as he watched the scene with wide, horrified eyes. He desperately wanted to run out there and check to make sure the driver was alright. Sadly, he knew he couldn't do that without getting caught. Call him paranoid, but Lloyd was certain that standing naked in the woods next to a crashed, illegal race car would raise some impossible questions.

He considered running back to where his stuff was hidden and call the emergency services, but just then the driver of the first car kicked the door open and stumbled out.

They removed their helmet and if Lloyd was in his human form he would have gasped. The driver was Seven and she looked furious but thankfully unharmed aside from the little scrapes and bruises. Her narrowed eyes were scanning the surrounding woods for the animal that caused her to crash and lose the race. Her eyes briefly scanned over Lloyd's hiding place and the werewolf was scared that his blond fur was standing out and exposing him.

Right now he wished that he had Kai's dark brown fur or Cole and Nya's black fur.

Those colors blended in perfectly with the forest at night then Lloyd's blond or Zane's white. Before she could go investigating, however, some of the other drivers erupted out of their cars and swarmed her.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?!" One of the drivers raged, getting in Seven's face and looking like he wanted to hit her.

"THERE WAS SOMETHING IN THE ROAD! I THINK IT WAS A DOG!" She screeched in anger and Lloyd flinched from his hiding place.

"WE DIDN'T SEE A DOG!" A second man shouted before turning to the others watching. "I told you women shouldn't be allowed to drive." He snorted and they all laughed uneasily, too scared of being hurt not to laugh. The second man didn't even get a chance to blink before Seven stomped forward. Within three seconds, she had twisted his wrist, kicked him in between the legs twice, and flipped him over her shoulder.

"It's not my fault I'm stuck in this freaky forest!" She spat down at the man wheezing in pain at her feet.

"Right, because clearly, your debts didn't have anything to do with it." The first man sneered and Seven hissed at him.

"Man, I'm just gettin' paired up with all kinds of jerks!" She snapped without thinking, only to regret it when she saw the look at the other racers' faces. Lloyd, however, was intrigued at what Seven was going to say.

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